It's a good close fight between two good fighters. I give Brook the edge and think he wins by KO. Bradley just doesn't seem to be as good as he once was. He has become somewhat reckless on the attack leaving himself open to hard straight punches like the straight right that badly hurt him last fight. If Brook lands a perfect punch on Bradley as Bradley rushes in then Brook will finish him. Brook gets better each fight and he has never lost a fight or been knocked down. Brook doesn't have to worry about Bradley's power. Bradley hasn't knocked anyone down in many years. Brook has a good work rate and boxing skills so I doubt Bradley can win by outworking him.
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Brook vs Bradley: IBF WW title. What's your take?
Originally posted by boliodogs View PostIt's a good close fight between two good fighters. I give Brook the edge and think he wins by KO. Bradley just doesn't seem to be as good as he once was. He has become somewhat reckless on the attack leaving himself open to hard straight punches like the straight right that badly hurt him last fight. If Brook lands a perfect punch on Bradley as Bradley rushes in then Brook will finish him. Brook gets better each fight and he has never lost a fight or been knocked down. Brook doesn't have to worry about Bradley's power. Bradley hasn't knocked anyone down in many years. Brook has a good work rate and boxing skills so I doubt Bradley can win by outworking him.
How do you reckon unbeaten IBF WW world champion Brook would get on against former LWW world champ Khan in what would be by far the biggest fight in both of their careers?
Oh that's right we will never know until Khan grows a pair as Clownio apparently thinks he is on another level fighting Collazo and Algeri. He's sure showing us what world class looks like and no mistake.