He won't remember any of it once the bell rings and Porter come charging at him. Fighters always go back to doing what they're comfortable doing.
Broner is awful fight off of his backfoot and if he does it vs Porter he gets knocked out or dropped a few times. You have to take the fight to Porter!
Bull Fighters don't back up, they stay in the center and circle the bull until he gets tired. Backing straight up vs a Bull will get you Gored like Maidana Gored Him with that while he was "Backing Up":
Broner is awful fight off of his backfoot and if he does it vs Porter he gets knocked out or dropped a few times. You have to take the fight to Porter!
Bull Fighters don't back up, they stay in the center and circle the bull until he gets tired. Backing straight up vs a Bull will get you Gored like Maidana Gored Him with that while he was "Backing Up":