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Official Floyd Mayweather- Manny Pacquiao Postfight aftermath discussion

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    Originally posted by Doctor_Tenma View Post
    You make a great point there, he used to throw it better, especially in the lower weight classes but now he can be inconsistent with it.
    In that gif below your comment you can see him slap with it too it's not perfect form but it seems like he's been throwing it that way for a minute


      Originally posted by SplitSecond View Post
      floyd really slappy with that left hook

      should really fix the technique on that, to avoid crying about a hurt hand
      Yeah except it's one of the best punches in the game.


        Originally posted by SplitSecond View Post
        floyd really slappy with that left hook

        should really fix the technique on that, to avoid crying about a hurt hand
        I did not see that. The sound is loud off the headgear due to the size the gloves. The contact was very solid for a double left hook. It made the guy back up.


          Originally posted by SplitSecond View Post
          floyd really slappy with that left hook

          should really fix the technique on that, to avoid crying about a hurt hand
          #1 Boxing trainer right here.



              Originally posted by bigjavi973 View Post

              of course he gonna say that, to get them 35k a week checks from mayweather and he signed a ND aggreement so he techincally cant say anything.


                Mayweather got his ass kicked 2 days in a row sparring a young Mexican kid says Roach.


                  Though the WBO Is ******, it will be the first time ever that mayweather wins a Wbo belt. He got an IBO belt in the baldomir fight


                    Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
                    respect your right to an opinion just remember something-don't judge Floyd the boxer by Floyd's out of the ring persona. Check the Castillo fight, Maidana, Mosley round 2, zab round 4 among others -the man has been hurt, he's been down and yet he still wins.

                    Floyd has spent his entire life in the ring and is a professional in every sense of the word. Never forget that.
                    This reply is a bit late, as I haven't been checking my account as often as I would like.

                    You raise valid points, in fact, they are points I agree with, Floyd isn't just a "pretty" boxer. Like many before him who have been labeled premadonnas or "dancers" or "runners" (Ali, Leonard etc), Floyd Mayweather can fight, he can brawl if he has to. He has shown that time and time again but all those names you mentioned, none of them are Pacquiao, none of them can even dream of being as effective coming forward as Pacquiao has always been. Mayweather will not have gone up against this kind of speed and combination punching before.


                      Originally posted by B0XEO View Post
                      Mayweather got his ass kicked 2 days in a row sparring a young Mexican kid says Roach.

                      Rock solid source. Since Roach said this it must be true.

