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Official Floyd Mayweather- Manny Pacquiao Postfight aftermath discussion

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    Originally posted by d4thincarnation View Post
    it could have happened, but working with a chemist who make undetectable peds and trying to hide he was on your team, is definitely a smoking gun.

    Floyd much better at this hiding game, and spin and propaganda. Some mugs actually believe his lies.
    how are they covering it up when memo has said hes working with some tmt fighters


      TyphoonFloyd is someone's alt and I think I know who.

      Let's find out.


        Originally posted by TyphoonFloyd View Post
        I get razor bumps/rash sometimes and sometimes I don't. I don't know the science behind why that happens... could you enlighten me professor of everything?
        Does Juan even have chest hair? Are you stalking Juan?


          Originally posted by HanzGruber View Post
          how are they covering it up when memo has said hes working with some tmt fighters
          Because they are saying he is not working with Floyd.


            When Floyd is caught on PEDs I hope he his record gets expunged and his titles get stripped from him just like Armstrong.


              Originally posted by d4thincarnation View Post
              because they are saying he is not working with floyd.
              maybe because hes not? Bro all those fish and chips are getting to your brain. Atleast beercules has a phd, youre just dumb


                Originally posted by HanzGruber View Post
                maybe because hes not? Bro all those fish and chips are getting to your brain. Atleast beercules has a phd, youre just dumb
                So why did he say he did?

                Memo is being protected as well, if gets caught it could be jail time.


                  Originally posted by Beercules View Post
                  How would JCpryor know? Is he stalking Floyd?

                  Isn't it weird how Ariza is now working with Floyd, but in your ealier post you hinted at "Manny was dirty because of the shakes!"

                  So naturally, Floyd is dirty now too?
                  JCpryor and yourself very well could be stalking Floyd lol.

                  I never said that he was dirty because of the Ariza shakes that was Freddie Roach. Freddie also said that if you refuse testing you must have something to hide and I said that Manny must've had a good reason in '09 to refuse the testing lol.

                  I'm not sure if Floyd is dirty(he has passed all testing including numerous tests conducted by USADA and has never refused testing) or not but you seem to be the stalker/expert on everything. I'm sure God himself could show you Floyd was clean and you'd still deny it due to your narcissism and/or cognitive dissonance.

                  What ever happened to let the commission do their jobs? Floyd has never failed a drug test... why all this su****ion? Why was there no Memo garbage until Marquez knocked Manny out? Where was all this Memo talk whenever he started working with Marquez? Oh that's right it's only convenient now that it fits a certain excuse agenda lol.


                    Originally posted by Beercules View Post
                    Does Juan even have chest hair? Are you stalking Juan?
                    What grown man has no chest hair? Oh I keep forgetting you betas lol.

                    I might stalk Juan to try and get his right hand glove from the nighty night right KO round 6 in the 4th Manny fight... I also want him and Memo to sign it. I will put it in a case labeled Karma... along with that quote from Erik Morales saying how the Mexican pharmacy was better lol.


                      Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
                      When Floyd is caught on PEDs I hope he his record gets expunged and his titles get stripped from him just like Armstrong.
                      I'm sure that happened to Shane Mosley and all the other PED cheats that got caught or admitted PED use lol.

                      What has Floyd done to you to make you so angry? Did Floyd steal your man/girl or did he bum your dad/mum or something? Did he forget to sign your TBE/TMT wear or something? Did he beat your favorite fighter? Or is it that he's more than likely about to beat your favorite fighter?

