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Official Floyd Mayweather- Manny Pacquiao Postfight aftermath discussion

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    Originally posted by Strategic1 View Post
    Yes, he will go high guard and Floyd will stand his ground and even come forward at he did against Judah. He will have to do this against a southpaw.
    More than likely Floyd will go high guard but possibly try the shoulder roll as well to see how effective he can be with that .... also to mix it up. That is, show different styles in there.

    I'm not so sure about Floyd coming in like he did with Judah. With Judah, that was the game plan because they know that Judah cracks under pressure. While not a southpaw, that was the game plan for the Mosley fight as well because they thought that the pace would be too high for an inactive older Mosley. If you look at most of Manny's fights, he comes alive when the opponent tries to do that to him.


      Originally posted by BrushMyHair View Post


        Originally posted by OutClassed View Post
        my thoughts exactly, see my


          Originally posted by BrushMyHair View Post
          De La Hoya said Shane Mosely was the fastest opponent he has ever faced.
          That's cause he fought a prime sugar Shane in 2000.


            Originally posted by marcelthaim View Post
            Anyone really attending the live fight?
            Highly doubt a single member here will be attending.


              Originally posted by Strategic1 View Post
              Hopkins is such a boxing fanatic.. You can just tell by how he talks.
              Yeah it's awesome listening to B-Hop talk strategy. He articulates **** very well, too.


                I can't wait to see what this thread will look like this time next week. No more foolishness and speculation. Floyd wins comfortably.


                  Originally posted by AgainstTheRopes View Post
                  Things like this is exactly why boxing/this fight needs HBO. They know to present the sport better than anyone. After watching that everything else, which was already going to be lackluster/uninformed, is just going to look it was done by preschoolers.
                  Completely agree. People act like it's **** riding or fanboy **** to say that HBO is the **** when it comes to boxing, but f**k that. It's just the truth. Everything they do production wise blows out any and everybody else. All these other networks are second rate (or third and fourth). Showtime's production is the closest but HBO is still a full cut above.


                    The more I see Floyd not using his shoulder roll which is his bread and butter, and Mosley confirming it on hbo legends that floyd's shoulder won't work with a southpaw because his head will be exposed for a left straight makes me more confident that Pac can win this easier than I thought.
                    Last edited by Spoon23; 04-26-2015, 09:46 AM.


                      Roach insisted that Mayweather’s shoulder roll will not work against southpaws like Pacquiao, and even warned doom for the flamboyant American if he utilizes the same defensive tactic come fight night.

                      “It’s so overrated. It doesn’t work against southpaws, if he does do it ?he will have to pay for it,?said Roach.

                      I truly believe that Floyd having not to use his shoulder roll when fighting a southpaw becomes less of a complete fighter than when he is fighting an orthodox fighter. Without his shoulder roll he is not 100% Floyd Mayweather. That said, Pac will be his usual self fighting fighting orthodox fighters. This is a big advantage for Pacquiao.

                      Floyd will have to change stance to a more offensive high guard position, and to me if they both play offense, that will play into pac's card. Pac lives on offense.

                      Without Floyd shoulder roll in play he cannot be the complete defensive fighter that we are known to see. Advantage Pacquiao.
                      Last edited by Spoon23; 04-26-2015, 09:50 AM.

