Apparently Mayweather came on 105.1 and tried to read a page of Harry Potter, but he struggled fact it was downright shameful. Anyone got a recording of this? I follow Bloodstainlane on Twitter and he tweeted about it. Just wanted to see if anyone had any footage.
I am overbearingly shocked to hear that my bro TBE cannot read. I passionately believed that TBE meant "The Book Expert" or "The Book-reading Elite".
I'm a pacquaio fan but this is pretty ridiculous towards Floyd.
He's successful.
But instead of focusing on boxing , he's being criticised for not reading well?
It's not like he's completely illiterate.
Bunch of clowns on this forum.
At least there is one person with some class on this forum I think the whole thing is pretty sad. And **** those idiots that put this out to embarrass Floyd when he came on their ****** show. I hope they have trouble getting any celebrities now to go on there. I only recently got on this forum and thought all the boxing talk was cool but more and more it's just idiots who say they love boxing do nothing but hate on one person. Pretty pathetic.
You are trying to draw equivalence between ghostwriters and an inability to read? You are reaching so hard... First off, ghostwriting is very common, and has nothing to do with a celebrities literacy, it allows them to do a couple interviews with the publisher, who then turns it out to a writer and turns it into a book. They leverage the celebrities name to generate revenue.
That is not the same as Floyd being unable to read a simple promo. We know you like to slurp Floyds sauce, but stop reaching so hard, you are making yourself look incompetent.
No, I was showing that they don't have the writing capabilities to actually write a book on their own from scratch in a rough way. And in each case, they did not do an interview with the publisher. They did something else (which I won't even bother getting into). Keep in mind, it's not a biography. It's an autobiography.
Chelsea Handler also went on Howard Stern implying that 50 Cent is on the illiterate side. Saying that he would send her all sorts of texts with bad spelling, bad grammar, just bad English skills all the way around. So yes, it is the same thing in essence as Floyd being unable to read well. Because in both cases we see people who lack basic English skills on the high school or elementary level. Reading and writing goes hand in hand.
You're the only one making yourself look incompetent by acting as if entertainers like 50, Jay, etc, are Harvard scholars just because they are rich. Buying into the hype. A lot these guys, like Floyd, barely finished high school, and admit that they didn't even attend all the time. They were in the streets drug dealing, getting into trouble, sometimes in jail, etc. You expect them to be different when they clearly tell you that school was the least of their priorities as kids? Yeah right.
Floyd should make an attempt to learn the english language. Being able to read and write is a great gift. There are a lot of great books out there to help nourish your mind and excite your soul.