When was the last time you saw a fighter completely dominate a ranked fighter and get a title shot shortly after? The fighters getting title shots all look beatable. Fighters like Meehan, Golata, and McCline all get title shots. This showing may give Brewster or Byrd to look for a rematch with Wlad. Sadly the way to get title shots is too win closely or lose closely. Plan two would be to knock-out a older champ like Holyfield or Tyson. I by no means think Wlad planned this, that would be ******, but it may very well work out in his favor.
No announcement yet.
Could this be the best result for Wlad?
I hope Wladimir gets a rematch soon with Byrd or Brewster. Byrd and Brewster may actually give him a rematch now. It may work in Wladimir's favor. Wladimir is so good to watch. He deserves a rematch. Everyone will want to watch. Wladimir proved today he has heart. He came back so quickly in the same round against a top 15 fighter. I hope he gets a title shot soon.
Wlad would have lost tonight if the fight had gone on. Williamson's plan was working, boring as it was. My opinion of Klitschko was positive even after the Brewster fight, but tonight sealed the deal for me - this guy belongs in 4-rounders like Butterbean, not in world title matches.
I am glad you do not write articles. If you are looking at the Mesi fight in comparison, it is then easy to not be pleased and criticise, you were probably then thinking that a knockout was a must for Wladimir. But, if you realise that Williamson went into the Mesi fight with the wrong strategy, and went into Wladimir's fight with the right strategy of staying away and moving, then you realise that the Mesi fight is not a good judge of Williamson. Wladimir fought a good opponent today. Williamson is a top 15 fighter, and he has a big punch. He is tall and moves quickly for his size. Williamson is better than Brewster. Toney should fight Williamson next. Let us see how Toney fairs against Williamson. Wladimir showed great heart today, coming back very quickly against a top 15 fighter. Wladimir was not even his best, and yet still won against a top 15 fighter with a big punch. It should have been a unanimous decision. Wladimir showed great stamina too.
Well it all about politic and to be honest this fight will not help Wlad as he is still a threat to any champion and currently his stocks are down. He needs to fight a top 10 and go back to his orginal trainer. Williamson is a good fighter and credit is well deserved for the win for Wlad.
After he went down he did not fold, he actually went after Williamson even harder which prompted two judges to call it a 10-9 round instead of a 10-8. Williamson played it smart in this fight, after he saw that Wlad came back at him late in the 4th he stayed away from Wlad in the 5th until the bell when he headbutted Wlad.
Wlad did not look astonishing, but dont overlook the fact he got the job done. He may not have looked as superior as he should have been he did what he had to. I was suprised that after he got knocked down he went right after williamson. Wlad destroys Brewster or Byrd if he gets rematches. Bottom line.
considering that Wlad was the only one to actually go down during the fight, and on my card (I know, it doesnt count) I gave Williamson the last 2 round's, I think Wlad was very lucky indeed that it got stopped when it did. Does anyone else see the irony here? All the Klit fan's said that if the Lewis-Klitschko fight hadnt been stopped cause of the cut, Vitali would have won ( I disagree) seem's like the exact same could possibly be said for his bro.
I am sure HBO will be contacting you to replace Harold Lederman any decade now......better sharpen your crayons.
Originally posted by neils7147933Wlad would have lost tonight if the fight had gone on. Williamson's plan was working, boring as it was. My opinion of Klitschko was positive even after the Brewster fight, but tonight sealed the deal for me - this guy belongs in 4-rounders like Butterbean, not in world title matches.