Originally posted by MurkaMan
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And I agree, Floyd has the sharpest skills of all time.
But Pacquiao also has the opposite qualities that also feature prominently in line for recognition. It is entirely plausible that Pac could overwhelm Floyd's skills. If that isn't the case, it had to be proven.
Floyd clearly passes up this A level fight for B level fighters.
Ali never did this, and had he done those things in the list there is NO WAY he could receive as much recognition if he did!
I already consider Ali the most overrated HW of all time, and his supporters trip over themselves already trying to defend him, imagine if he didn't display the heart and fortitude that he did?
It's exactly these qualities ^^^ that won him such a strong fan base even to this day!
SRR ducked many fighters at certain times, sure, but SRR also fought 200 ****ing fights in his career one after another. It's obvious that you cannot have 200+ fights and fight top competition all the time!
Normally I'm arguing the other way but you cannot make THIS comparison with SRR "FAVOURABLY" for Mayweather!