This fight worries me. How long before B-Hop starts to look 49? Shumenov isn't anything special but he is awkward and has enough athletic ability to cause problems for Hop.
How is he awkward? I don't see it
Seems like a straightforward statute to me
I think people always look down on Hopkins opponents so when he wins or looks bad in the fight they can talk crap. It's interesting how he is never on the P4P list no matter how extensive his resume is and how he had to force himself in to the spotlight through the most hungry way possible. Someone posted here that even if Hopkins beats Stevenson AND Kovalev he might make in the top ten P4P. I think this forum have some of the most ignorant posters on boxing. It's amazing how that is something rampant throughout this forum yet it hosts the most information and articles on the sport.
Anyway I see this fight as a test for both men, Shumenov is very very awkward with very long arms and punching power pretty close to Stevenson and Kovalev in my opinion, not them though. Anyway in Hopkins last fight it looks like his stamina have decreased by some margin. He also was getting hit even though he was clowning sometimes, he did get hit when he didn't want to. I'm still going with a Hopkins UD but I won't be surprise if Shumenov pull it off, he's been champion long enough and his K.O percentage is above average.
The other fights looks fun especially the Porter vs Malignaggi fight. I'm kind of leaning with Paulie here, as I know more about him than the other guy even though Porter demolished and exposed Devon weaknesses. I see Paulie actually being smart and letting Porter get himself off balance. Paulie I see pulling out new tricks when Porter makes himself off balance.
Quillen vs Konecky I think will be interesting as well, I see Konecky over in Europe and he is pretty damn solid. Quillen if he sleeps on this guy, we'll see what he is truly made of.
close fight for 6 rounds then bhop takes over.. shumenov too open.. relies on reflexes but he not that fast.. he has game-changing power though which makes it an interesting fight.. but it's not impossible bhop figures him out early, stops him late.. if bhop didnt get old he wins it