Marquez has the best uppercut, best uppercut artist I've seen.
Marquez is great at using all kinds of uppercuts in his attack.
As far as a single punch? Zab has a pretty fantastic uppercut. He isn't able to apply it as effectively on a consistent basis as a guy like Marquez, though, at least not at the highest levels.
Marquez is great at using all kinds of uppercuts in his attack.
As far as a single punch? Zab has a pretty fantastic uppercut. He isn't able to apply it as effectively on a consistent basis as a guy like Marquez, though, at least not at the highest levels.
Good answer. Most fighters dont lead with an uppercut (because it's ******), but Zab can throw it effectively at times. He also has that counter uppercut that looks sweet when it actually works.
Marquez has the best uppercut, best uppercut artist I've seen.
I came here specifically to say JMM, he immediately came to mind! He can use it in any situation! Haven't seen a guy throw the lead uppercut like him and get away with it.. War Dinamita
Antonio Margarito had a nice uppercut game when he was on... He'd sometimes threw it from way outside but it seemed never to really hurt him when he did..