by Cliff Rold - There are few things more exciting than fighters that fans know can be knocked down going into a big fight.
There is one thing though.
Knowing they get back up.
This Saturday on Las Vegas (HBO PPV, 9 PM EST/PST), a pair of proven hearts will step to ring center for a belt, the championship of each other, and a safe place as the next best Welterweight in the world after Floyd Mayweather. Both have been through bumps in the road and still to some degree fight in the shadow of a bigger superstar.
Manny Pacquiao won’t be in the ring this time.
For this night, the stage is all theirs.The shadow of Pacquiao is at least there in common results against the man. Bradley got a ton of grief for getting a decision many thought he didn’t deserve in 2012. Marquez, always a good puncher, landed the A+ shot of a lifetime against Pacquiao at the end of the same year. Since that bout, Marquez has laid in wait while Bradley got himself in what might still be the 2013 Fight of the Year with Ruslan Provodnikov.
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There is one thing though.
Knowing they get back up.
This Saturday on Las Vegas (HBO PPV, 9 PM EST/PST), a pair of proven hearts will step to ring center for a belt, the championship of each other, and a safe place as the next best Welterweight in the world after Floyd Mayweather. Both have been through bumps in the road and still to some degree fight in the shadow of a bigger superstar.
Manny Pacquiao won’t be in the ring this time.
For this night, the stage is all theirs.The shadow of Pacquiao is at least there in common results against the man. Bradley got a ton of grief for getting a decision many thought he didn’t deserve in 2012. Marquez, always a good puncher, landed the A+ shot of a lifetime against Pacquiao at the end of the same year. Since that bout, Marquez has laid in wait while Bradley got himself in what might still be the 2013 Fight of the Year with Ruslan Provodnikov.
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