Maravilla's doctor, Raquel Bordons confirms in this interview to a argentine TV show, that Sergio broke his elbow seven days before Darren Barkers fight (starts at 8:40).
Also, she said that Sergio had his leg already injured before Chavez fight and his rib injured aswell. She said she had to go to the corner to "fix" his broken rib in between rounds (starts at 35:50).
She also describes Chavez Jr. severe state of dehydration at the weigh in day and sugests that weed was there to cover some banned substances (starts at 30:50).
Also, she said that Sergio had his leg already injured before Chavez fight and his rib injured aswell. She said she had to go to the corner to "fix" his broken rib in between rounds (starts at 35:50).
She also describes Chavez Jr. severe state of dehydration at the weigh in day and sugests that weed was there to cover some banned substances (starts at 30:50).