Why do some fighters request a bigger ring? Why do some fighters request to be introduced last even though they're not the champion? Why do some fighters only fight in stadium for their bulk of their careers? Why do some fighters demand a catchweight?
If you're the one calling the shots then you can do these things. Period.
To the bolded: for an advantage, obviously.
He certainly wasn't facing "the best" Alvarez, or one that was at a "100%", by his own logic.
For the record prior to the fight ever happening, I said he wouldn't fight him at 154.
My issue was Floyd, was the one hatin on everyone and discrediting everyone for fighting at catchweights. His exact words were " I don't fight guys at catchweights, I fight guys at there best weight". The hypocricy is conditional i guess.
How about he didn't have to fight Canelo at all. Floyd was not actively fighting at 154. He gave Canelo a shot, not vice versa.
I know how to use it, i was just surprised that you took the time out to use just for little ol' me, it's kinda flattering
You sound weak, son. Looks like Schmurda just EXPOSED your hypocrisy. Take your L like a man and move on. He exposed you as a hypocrite. Don't try and devalue what he just did by making it seem like he's on your jock.
Sorry Floyd fans but your hero thinks that you are all wrong! According to Floyd, Canelo is an undefeated fighter!
Floyd fought him at a CW, it wasn't the best Canelo. He was drained!
(see below)
1:50 mark!
As long as Floyd is doin this, it's justified!! Floyd doesn't accept fights unless he has every advantage he's a strategic match maker ala the Maidana glove bull**** the day of the fight eventhough it was comission approved and not in the contract.
Once again protectin his 0 instead of defending. So he can fight Cotto @ 154 but not Canelo @ 154, how do you lose a 154 belt @ 152.
Floyd being Floyd. He wants to fight guys at there best weight when it's conveniant for him. Funny how Floyd fans dicredit Pacquiao but give credit to Floyd for the same thing
Why do some fighters request a bigger ring? Why do some fighters request to be introduced last even though they're not the champion? Why do some fighters only fight in stadium for their bulk of their careers? Why do some fighters demand a catchweight?
If you're the one calling the shots then you can do these things. Period.
Thats fine the issue is Pacquiao was calling the shots in the Cotto fight and Floyd was the one that went on the campaign to discredit him for the catchweight.
Floyd being a hypocrite just contradicts your theory, but you justify it for him.
Stay consistant and have the abilty to stay objective.