Idk man these floyd Stan's are relentless with the fantasy match ups
Floyd isnt someone the public have really taken to and he seems to be a trainwreck away from the ring, especially from a pr perspective. He will be known and able to make a lot of money, but that will come to an abrupt halt when he retires and if he's not fighting, the public will drop him too.
What do you mean by relevant? If you mean still have an impact on the sport then no, not exactly a mark against him though. Sugar Ray Leonard is no longer relevant, same with Tommy Hearns.
If you mean will people still talk about him then yes. He's one of the best fighters of his era and one of the best of all time in terms of technical ability. He will be compared with past greats and used as a yard stick to measure new fighters.
He retired before and the forums were taking about Floyd everyday all day.
Thats the boxing forums, not the general public, and in ten or twenty years there will be another generation of fans with their own star fighters, so like I said it wont last very long, not this time because there will be no coming back.