that's exactly what it is. i think 50 might just pull the trigger himself just see the reaction on mayweather's face. i can envision 50 saying something like, "who's got the respect now, fuck boy!" ellerbe then break downs since him source of income just got shot in the face and commits suicide
They both die, So be it. Society wont lose any thing.
Just two loud mouth motherfuckers thinking they cooler then what they are, that ends up getting dealt with. Happens everyday, just that these clowns have money.
I don't care how offensive this is, I would laugh my ass off if these guys ended up getting killed over this. Of all things, to die because of f***ing Twitter would be very funny.
I don't care how offensive this is, I would laugh my ass off if these guys ended up getting killed over this. Of all things, to die because of f***ing Twitter would be very funny.
people have been shot before for a lot less. what you need to understand is once the respect is no longer there, being civil is thrown out the window. i am sincerely hoping no one gets seriously hurt but from the sounds of it, things are just getting worse. i think 50 will make the first move since all mayweather does is just talk shit and no action. 50 might come out with his *** tape humping on mayweather's million dollar king sized bed with ms. jackson, that would be the last straw