My round by scorecards for each fight. First time watching I had Lucas edging both fights. Rewatching now and will score each round.
Any rounds you disagree with, feel free to debate/say.
Round 1 - 10-9 Matthysse, close round but Lucas with the cleaner, more effective work. Nice rights to the body.
Round 2 - Alexander boxing nicely, Lucas gets his jab going lands a big right hand that backs up Alexander, Alexander comes back with some nice lefts. Legs get tied up and Lucas unleashes a combination & goes back to his corner smiling as the round draws an end but he hasn't done enough to steal the round IMO 10-9 Alexander
round 3 - Alexander firing but Lucas showing some really good head movement, showing his underrated defense & getting in close. Nice right to the body from Lucas. Big left hook flush on the whiskers but Alexander takes it well. 10-9 Alexander
Round 4 - First punch he lands, a big right hand that sends Alexander to the canvas. Lucas backing him up & trapping him on the ropes, landing some big shots. 5 punch combination from Alexander all of which misses. 10-8 Lucas
Round 5 - Scrappy round with Lucas applying the pressure, Alexander grunting & clinching. Nothing of much significance landed but for me Lucas was the aggressor and did land the cleaner shots. 10-9 Lucas
Round 6 - Wicked left hook to the body from Lucas, Alexander returns but it is borderline and the referee warns him to keep em up. Nice from Lucas as he looks to pick the pace up, sneaky uppercut inside. Devon fires back but Matthysse is showing zero respect for his power. Devons throwing nice combinations but Lucas is basically laughing when he fires out a piston like jab & a savage left hook to the body. Lucas lands two nice uppercuts inside & follows with a short hook. Close round - Give Devon it due to workrate. 10-9 Alexander
Round 7 - Lucas comes out blazing as Alexander is back-peddling. Lucas stepping on the gas, feints a right to the body but goes upstairs, lovely shot.
Straight right to the body & comes up with a beautiful left uppercut that snaps Alexanders head back. Another big right that stuns Alexander. Lucas is teeing off as Alexander looks gassed. Nothing on Alexanders shot though very few thrown. 10-9 Lucas (All Lucas that round)
Round 8 - Lucas picking up where he left off. Lands some huge straight rights to the body as Alexanders on the ropes, one in particular makes Devon squeel ln pain. Alexander finally answers with a nice right hook up top. Good back n' forth action but Alexander is coming off 2nd best in all exchanges. Lucas finishes strong with a left hook to the body, wild right hook that misses & a nice short left hook which buckles Devon. 10-9 Lucas
Round 9 - Alexanders caught his 2nd wind, gets through some nice straight left hands. Lucas is missing an awful lot as he is looking a little fatigued.
Steps it up and is chasing Devon across the ring! Lands a nice combination as Lucas smashes his gloves together and roars at him to bring it on! Lands a powerful jab which sends Devons head snapping back. Lucas swings for the hills but ears a nice counter left. Nice bodyshot from Lucas as Devon holds on, that hurt! 10-9 Alexander, his best round for some time.
Round 10 - Nice left hook from Lucas. Nice right hand flush on the button but Devon eats it. Nice work from Devon switching from the body to up top. Nice left hook from Lucas whose looking tired then turns it up a notch with a nice combination. Alexander on his bicycle but Lucas is right on him. Little flurry from Alexander - all blocked, nothing on them. Chopping right inside from Lucas. 10-9 Lucas
96-93 Lucas Matthysse I fail to see how Alexander could of possibly won that even with giving him a few of the close rounds
Judah fight up next!
Any rounds you disagree with, feel free to debate/say.
Round 1 - 10-9 Matthysse, close round but Lucas with the cleaner, more effective work. Nice rights to the body.
Round 2 - Alexander boxing nicely, Lucas gets his jab going lands a big right hand that backs up Alexander, Alexander comes back with some nice lefts. Legs get tied up and Lucas unleashes a combination & goes back to his corner smiling as the round draws an end but he hasn't done enough to steal the round IMO 10-9 Alexander
round 3 - Alexander firing but Lucas showing some really good head movement, showing his underrated defense & getting in close. Nice right to the body from Lucas. Big left hook flush on the whiskers but Alexander takes it well. 10-9 Alexander
Round 4 - First punch he lands, a big right hand that sends Alexander to the canvas. Lucas backing him up & trapping him on the ropes, landing some big shots. 5 punch combination from Alexander all of which misses. 10-8 Lucas
Round 5 - Scrappy round with Lucas applying the pressure, Alexander grunting & clinching. Nothing of much significance landed but for me Lucas was the aggressor and did land the cleaner shots. 10-9 Lucas
Round 6 - Wicked left hook to the body from Lucas, Alexander returns but it is borderline and the referee warns him to keep em up. Nice from Lucas as he looks to pick the pace up, sneaky uppercut inside. Devon fires back but Matthysse is showing zero respect for his power. Devons throwing nice combinations but Lucas is basically laughing when he fires out a piston like jab & a savage left hook to the body. Lucas lands two nice uppercuts inside & follows with a short hook. Close round - Give Devon it due to workrate. 10-9 Alexander
Round 7 - Lucas comes out blazing as Alexander is back-peddling. Lucas stepping on the gas, feints a right to the body but goes upstairs, lovely shot.
Straight right to the body & comes up with a beautiful left uppercut that snaps Alexanders head back. Another big right that stuns Alexander. Lucas is teeing off as Alexander looks gassed. Nothing on Alexanders shot though very few thrown. 10-9 Lucas (All Lucas that round)
Round 8 - Lucas picking up where he left off. Lands some huge straight rights to the body as Alexanders on the ropes, one in particular makes Devon squeel ln pain. Alexander finally answers with a nice right hook up top. Good back n' forth action but Alexander is coming off 2nd best in all exchanges. Lucas finishes strong with a left hook to the body, wild right hook that misses & a nice short left hook which buckles Devon. 10-9 Lucas
Round 9 - Alexanders caught his 2nd wind, gets through some nice straight left hands. Lucas is missing an awful lot as he is looking a little fatigued.
Steps it up and is chasing Devon across the ring! Lands a nice combination as Lucas smashes his gloves together and roars at him to bring it on! Lands a powerful jab which sends Devons head snapping back. Lucas swings for the hills but ears a nice counter left. Nice bodyshot from Lucas as Devon holds on, that hurt! 10-9 Alexander, his best round for some time.
Round 10 - Nice left hook from Lucas. Nice right hand flush on the button but Devon eats it. Nice work from Devon switching from the body to up top. Nice left hook from Lucas whose looking tired then turns it up a notch with a nice combination. Alexander on his bicycle but Lucas is right on him. Little flurry from Alexander - all blocked, nothing on them. Chopping right inside from Lucas. 10-9 Lucas
96-93 Lucas Matthysse I fail to see how Alexander could of possibly won that even with giving him a few of the close rounds
Judah fight up next!