Originally posted by JmH Reborn
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But I don't care about that, and I don't care about him passing on Pac's offer. I think he painted himself in a real bad light by saying they were trying to take advantage of him for offering something he requested 6 months ago. This is boxing, fights are not made in days, 6 months is nothing. He could have excused himself in any number of ways: leave it at the money was not enough, or he wanted to reward his fans in NYC, a nonstarter for Pac. Or he finally became a full fledged SWW after moving up 2 years ago. Cause he sure wasn't one last year, trying to defend his belt and #1 154 ranking at at 150 with a 160 rehydration limit. Note that he weighed in 159 fight night vs Urkal 5 years ago. Strange how a guy stays level for years across 2 classes, then hits a growth spurt at 31.