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Kevin lole: Roach told me today that Chavez weighed 172 last night

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    Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
    Fighters cut weight to make the 30 and 7 day weigh ins too

    5 pounds is nothing, can be dont in an hour or 2 in the sauna
    5 pounds is only nothing if it's the first 5 pounds. But we're talking about JR here who weighs 180 full hydrated. For most people losing pound #8 to #13 should be hell.

    Anyway, this is interesting.

    According to reports and contrary to rumors talking of weight trouble, Chavez Jr. has made WBC weight targets at both the 30-day and 7-day mandatory weigh-ins, scaling 176 and 167 lbs, respectively.

    The weights, certified by a Dr. Antonio Salazar, were posted on several high-profile boxing websites and widely accepted at face value.

    However, The Boxing Tribune has learned of a possible conflict involving this information and the supervising physician.

    Dr. Salazar is Chavez Jr’s personal physician and a member of the Culiacán Boxing Commission, but more problematic is the fact that he also works as chief physician for Chavez Jr.’s new promotional company, Chavez Jr. Promotions.

    Salazar is also the doctor under whose supervision the fighter tested positive for the banned substance, Furosemide, in 2009. At the time, Dr. Salazar insisted that the ingestion of the diuretic/masking agent was an “accident.”

    “My job, as a doctor, is to protect him” Salazar said at the time. “Maybe he ingested that substance by mistake.”

    The potential conflict of interest involved in this case makes proceedings certainly worth supervising– If not by the Nevada State Athletic Commission, then by vigilant fans and members of boxing’s Independent Media.
    Last edited by DoktorSleepless; 09-11-2012, 12:17 AM.


      Originally posted by DoktorSleepless View Post
      5 pounds is only nothing if it's the first 5 pounds. But we're talking about JR here who will rehydrate to at least 180. For most people losing pound #8 to #13 should be hell.

      Anyway, this is interesting.

      So like i said the Dr is on the payroll. And he was with him when he got popped? No bueno fatboy


        Originally posted by paulf View Post
        That's not a big deal. Chavez looked in shape on 24/7, of course he put on weight after the pre-weigh in. I'm sure most fighters do.
        5 pounds is a lot to gain back when you're less than a week away.


          “My job, as a doctor, is to protect him” Salazar said at the time. “Maybe he ingested that substance by mistake.”

          LOL, I know what he means, I'm always taking Rx-only white tablets by mistake. Sh.t looks just like Flintstone vitamins.


            These are the threads where you see who's actually fought competitively or at least trained in boxing (and most of NSB tends to be clueless).

            5 pounds (of fluid weight) can be lost in 2-3 hours of boxing training on a regular basis, regardless of what point a fighter's at in training (although it does get tougher at losing if the fighter is too dehydrated because the body will resist releasing more water), even more so after a 2aday. Problem is that most, if not all, of the weight will be regained if the fighter has ingested enough liquid and food during the day.

            JR. probably trained before weighing in and regained it afterward. He's going to have to start restricting his water intake to make weight.

            Or Salazar adjusted the weights because he's on the payroll.


              Originally posted by Cigarillo View Post
              Im actually not shocked by that hes cutting weight to make the mandatory weigh ins.
              Isn't he supposed to?


                Originally posted by ThePhantom5 View Post
                Kevin Iole ‏@KevinI
                @tqbr Roach told me today that Chavez weighed 172 last night

                So Jr. gained 5 pounds since Friday?

                I don't think Chavez will make weight


                  I think JCC Jr. makes it one way or another to 160, but I am certain this is the last time he will ever make 160.


                    He will easily make it

                    People forget how he looked vs Zbik and still made weight


                      Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
                      Not but a huge margin. Sergio is a full MW
                      Didn't he weigh like 164 fight night against Barker? He always comes in a couple pounds below the limit and never rehydrates more then 10 pounds as far a I know. Chavez Jr will undoubtedly be in the mid 170's on fight night. He'll probably outweigh Martinez by 10-15 pounds on fight night.

