Round - 11
Valuev comes off the bell aggressive landing a hard left right , Ruiz responds with a left hook to the yaw.
Valuev finnaly firing the right more.
Ruiz wildly attacking now trying to hit Valuev with something hard.
Valuev hitting Ruiz with 2 hard jabs and swings the right but misses.
Ruiz swinging again misses and clinches.
Strangely enough Valuev seems to be the fitter man while Ruiz is breathing heavily.
Ruiz landing a good left right to the head.
More clinching.
Valuev landing a left right to the head before the bell.
Another Valuev round.
107-102 Valuev
Valuev comes off the bell aggressive landing a hard left right , Ruiz responds with a left hook to the yaw.
Valuev finnaly firing the right more.
Ruiz wildly attacking now trying to hit Valuev with something hard.
Valuev hitting Ruiz with 2 hard jabs and swings the right but misses.
Ruiz swinging again misses and clinches.
Strangely enough Valuev seems to be the fitter man while Ruiz is breathing heavily.
Ruiz landing a good left right to the head.
More clinching.
Valuev landing a left right to the head before the bell.
Another Valuev round.
107-102 Valuev