Round - 8
Valuev comes in and lands a few jabs of the bell.
Not much happening Valuev just landing jabs and Ruiz clinching.
Ruiz landing a good left hook to the head.
Valuev hits a good right body shot.
Ruiz responds with 1 of his own.
Valuev lands a few more at the end and Ruiz hits the defense.
Round Valuev
77-75 Valuev
Valuev comes in and lands a few jabs of the bell.
Not much happening Valuev just landing jabs and Ruiz clinching.
Ruiz landing a good left hook to the head.
Valuev hits a good right body shot.
Ruiz responds with 1 of his own.
Valuev lands a few more at the end and Ruiz hits the defense.
Round Valuev
77-75 Valuev