not soon enough, when you look at similar crimes in las vegas he should never had done a day in jail. But because he is mayweather they have to treat him different. Celebratites are people as well. remind me of the paris hilton **** they played with that girls emotion like crazy. If other people who create similar crimes and are allowed to be freeed and only do community service and some classes so should maywather, otherwise we admitting he is different and should have special circumstances. Now is the bad, but when he benefits from it people will say just cause he a celeb he gets to do this. cant have it both ways.
I dont even remember the math but it was like a 6 mo sentence w 3 mos to good time it would be like 2 months...He should be out in like 2 weeks unless he caused problems while locked up.
People should be treated different depending on who they are?
Where in my statement did I say I support "injustice" and people should be treated differently? I am merely responding to Floyd being jailed and the causality of it in hitting women.
He's still gonna need to do community service and take part in anger management and women's appreciate classes to fully develop the ability to understand that it's not normal to hit women, especially in front of their children.