Double everything. Double hooks, double right hands. Jab to the top middle of his chest. Floyd has a leaping left hook but the right hand comes straight or looping. Underated body puncher. After finishing any combo retreat with the jab to disrupt his countering. Rather than trying to KO the guy the fighter should concentrate in touching with his punches even if it hits his gloves or arms.
The problem facing Floyd is that he adjusts so well to his foe. You must have more than one game plan. Either he figures out a way to block it or a way around you.
The straight left is what gets in the most against him and its why a Pac fight is so intriguing
The problem facing Floyd is that he adjusts so well to his foe. You must have more than one game plan. Either he figures out a way to block it or a way around you.
The straight left is what gets in the most against him and its why a Pac fight is so intriguing