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Comments Thread For: Arum Discusses Pacquiao vs Bradley, Earnings, More

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    Originally posted by edgarg View Post
    OK. Sorry. Must have attached it to the wrong post. I keep out of calling that kind of name. Promoters are known for switching their opinions like changing coats. It all depends on "whose ox is being gored"......
    Yes, I went back and had a look. I meant to reply to CONVICTED FELON ans slipped up.

    i wonder where he got that name. Perhaps he's visiting Mayweather and is "honouring" him.


      Originally posted by GRUSTLER View Post
      And that comes out to 26MIL (According to Bob Arum). He didn't say nothing about no Nike or Sky Sports check and anyway, Floyd makes more than that. You are talking about me in the guy's bank account but you are acting like you know EXACTLY how much money he is getting but you don't just like me unless you are down with the team and even then, you may not get the inside scoop. You are reading the article just like me and from a business aspect as far as worth go. Your boy Pac is STILL supposed to be getting double digits over Bradley. Bradley couldn't even pack a living room but now he is getting 5MIL to Pac's 6MIL for signing? Manny Pacquiao is on top of the sport. No justifying that. I don't care about the guy's money unless I'm getting paid but speaking from a business perspective. Pac is getting ganked. You guys are hurt.
      yes Pacq should have had a higher guarantee i agree


        Originally posted by GRUSTLER View Post
        I was talking about Bradley in regards to the 5MIL/6MIL thing. Fact of the matter is that Bradley should not be getting no where near what Pac is getting on a business level because Manny has way more worth in the sport financially. Also, it is a known fact that Manny Pacquiao ain't making more than Mayweather each fight. You should not even try to deny or debate this. How can Arum offer Floyd 50MIL when Floyd fights are making that much without Pacquiao? Guarantee Pac fight with Bradley ain't even going to see 50MIL after it is all said and done.
        U r an idiot....5 million to bradley and thats it, maybe 1 or 2 more,but pac its getting 6 on night fight and after they tally up the monies he is guarrantee 25 mill..get it dumb dumb?


          Bob Arum is STILL bitter that Floyd Mayweather makes more money than Pac. lol


            Originally posted by Hewito View Post
            U r an idiot....5 million to bradley and thats it, maybe 1 or 2 more,but pac its getting 6 on night fight and after they tally up the monies he is guarrantee 25 mill..get it dumb dumb?
            TerrisJ3 got my point. Why can't you? Pac's guarantee should be significantly higher than Bradley. Manny shouldn't have to wait to make way more even doing something as simple as signing the paper.


              Originally posted by edgarg View Post
              "Dirty street business smart promoter" is what Don King is. Arum is a Harvard Law School graduate, Summa Cum Laude, (if you know what that means) and a former Department of Justice Tax expert for Robert Kennedy.
              Hey Eddy, how is life? lol


                Originally posted by GRUSTLER View Post
                I was talking about Bradley in regards to the 5MIL/6MIL thing. Fact of the matter is that Bradley should not be getting no where near what Pac is getting on a business level because Manny has way more worth in the sport financially. Also, it is a known fact that Manny Pacquiao ain't making more than Mayweather each fight. You should not even try to deny or debate this. How can Arum offer Floyd 50MIL when Floyd fights are making that much without Pacquiao? Guarantee Pac fight with Bradley ain't even going to see 50MIL after it is all said and done.
                I understood that you said that instead of Pacquiao getting much more he was actually getting $1 mill less.( I may have misread??) I was just jabbing at you, no harm intended.

       are just repeating the swill that Mayweather and co. retail in the dubious boxing news reports. You should do the arithmetic. For the Cotto fight it was announced that $94 mill was PPV, plus $12 mill gate. When $50-54% is deducted from PPV by Cable Co, ($50 mill) this leaves $44 mill for PPV plus $12 mill gate= $56 mill. Cotto was reported to have an $8 mill guarantee and, if the PPV went well (which it did) could end up with $15 mill. Assume $12 mill, leaving $44 mill. Oscar has to get probably 25% ( a bit less than Top Rank, to be competitive) The IRS was already owed $4 mill, and would take 30% of Mayweather's check as well. Then local and other taxes have to be considered.

                I doubt if Mayweather walked away with as much as $12-15 mill. It's still a huge sum, but without all the BUMPF and getting down to hard facts (as far as we know) not nearly as much worth boasting about as $32 mill "guarantee". There might be an extra assorted couple of millions come in from other things.

                We also have to consider that Golden Balls is well known for just paying the tax on both arena seats, and PPV individual buys, which they can then claim as having been "sold"

                So....take your pick.........The facts of the matter are that WE JUST DON'T KNOW. I just amuse myself in doing the math. Arum could be doing the same for all I know. Don't care.

                P.S. nd...the PPV cost $70......not $55.
                Last edited by edgarg; 06-07-2012, 05:44 PM.


                  Originally posted by WESS View Post
                  Hey Eddy, how is life? lol
                  Pretty dull at the moment, It's the rainy season here, thunder and lightning storms every day. That's why you see me posting so much.


                    Originally posted by GRUSTLER View Post
                    TerrisJ3 got my point. Why can't you? Pac's guarantee should be significantly higher than Bradley. Manny shouldn't have to wait to make way more even doing something as simple as signing the paper.
                    Maybe because "guarantees'" in the fight business are only like confetti, they blow away when a little breeze comes along. It all about PR and trying to get fans involved. Just like Mayweather's $20 mill for that little MMA choreographed nonsense, which turned out to be utterly untrue. They couldn't even get their stories straight.

                    The "minimum" paid on fight night is likely genuine because it has to be produced to the Boxing Commission, so that they can get their tax (I assume), and the real amount is paid over the next several months (up to a year) as the money comes in from alll over the world, behind closed doors. The promoters and tax experts are only going to divulge what they have to, and get away with as much as they can.

                    So, as far as reality is concerned, MannyP could be getting a min guar of $1 mill, with Bradley getting $5 mill, and it means absolutely nothing. You can be sure that Arum and his tax lawyers are keeping it as tight as possible, as are Golden Balls' guys. Pacquiao doesn't care about his low minimum because he knows the real deal. It's all been vetted by his lawyers and accountants, you can be sure. Part of his money is paid out to his US promotions company as well. It's a tax saving thing to make sure he pays the lowest tax in both jurisdictions.


                      Originally posted by TerrisJ3 View Post
                      guarantee is the payment just for signing the paper. i remember watching the Mosley fight on skysports that the commentators said Manny was to make over 20 million for the fight. now you are not counting the nike sponsorship check, the sky sports check, the HBO PPV check, the gate check, and the Top Rank check. you guys talk all ignorant like you all know what goes in Manny's bank account. it amuses and annoys me at the same time.
                      Quick question...Manny is on top of the sport, receiving checks from Nike and Hennessy, plastered all over magazines, etc....and he's receiving $6 million as a guarantee. So my question is....does anybody still believe Arum really was gonna guarantee Floyd $8 million to fight a virtually unknown Margarito when Floyd was no where near the status Pac is at now? I think Arum is just unveiling the lies he's been pushing for years with situations like these. How's that new outdoor stadium going, by the way?

