Yeah, it only reflects the truth when it goes in the direction you want it to, right? Sort of like the Louis-Vitaly polls posted here and than the history section. One you were all for, the other you were flabbergasted!
Not necessarily. It's pretty clear that Wlad has more one punch KO power than Foreman even though he is losing drastically in the poll.
I actually though Wlad would win this. I know Vitali hits hard too and could probably hit as hard as Wlad except he doesn't sit down on punches like Wlad does, so I didn't expect him to win. I do however think Wlad hits harder one shot for one shot than anyone on that list. And to me it's not that close.
Foreman is a reputation vote and it's understandable, but the poll results don't tell the truth.
Two different eras, 15 round fights and the average weight of HW back then was lower. Don't know how would either fare in their respective eras.
Do you think that the K bros can keep up with the higher output of punches and the 3 additional rounds from the 15 round era?
Oh, he's a few inches taller, has weighed more most of his career, has almost the same KO/TKO ratio, has had more title fights and defenses, has a higher ratio of actual KO's (21 to Foreman's 24 overall with far less fights) and he has faced much bigger opposition.
Lb for lb they probably hit about as hard as one another but if it could be measured on a scale similar to how Drago was in Rocky, Wladimir hits harder than any other heavyweight. I would bet my right eye on it.
Two different eras, 15 round fights and the average weight of HW back then was lower. Don't know how would either fare in their respective eras.
Do you think that the K bros can keep up with the higher output of punches and the 3 additional rounds from the 15 round era?
That's a good question but Vitali has had a fight where he threw 1k + punches and didn't look winded at it's end. I don't think he would have a stamina issue. Wlad on the other hand gassed a couple of times, and bad so I can't say. What I can say is that with the smaller guys of old they will have a hard time getting to him and will have an even harder time taking his heavy shots. It's hard for me to imagine a guy like say, Marciano taking a current Wlad Klitschko right hand even if it is partially blocked.