A dog has better smell than you, a bird has better sight than you countless examples.
You do realise the keyboard was designed you be used by people, the design did not randomly happen.
Evolution states that animals adapt to their environment, that is how we have evolved, it is not random. The good mutation get passed down the bad mutation get eliminated and we advance.
When the environment changes the ones best suited will survive and the species will change.
Well why does a dog have to smell anyway?....Why arent dogs as smart as humans?...Cuz Humans where MEANT to be the smartest species...Someone created this all, and u have to accept that!...How come all dogs look alike?...all labadors look alike, all ****erspaniels look alike?, All monkeys look alike?..But We humans have the EXACT same facial features, and none of us look anything alike?..Cuz humans where MEANT to have a sense of individuality!...You and me BOTH have two eyes, two lips, two eyebrows...Yet we look NOTHING alike?..You would have to be a GENUIS to create BILLIONS of humans, and have them look nothing alike!...To me, this world, this creation, is BRILLIANT...Its like a Painting...Evolution is like saying, a brilliant painting just created itself...the only probelm is the painting is sooo perfect, so flawless, that some GENUIS had to put it together, and ur sciency ideas, are not the reason!...You have to accept that!
A dog has better smell than you, a bird has better sight than you countless examples.
You do realise the keyboard was designed you be used by people, the design did not randomly happen.
Evolution states that animals adapt to their environment, that is how we have evolved, it is not random. The good mutation get passed down the bad mutation get eliminated and we advance.
When the environment changes the ones best suited will survive and the species will change.
And btw, why are Humans designed to be SMART enough to creat computers but dogs arent?...Your missing a whole lot!..If evolution created this stuff, it wouldnt be so brilliant...it would be sloppy, and seem mutated, but its not!
And btw, why are Humans designed to be SMART enough to creat computers but dogs arent?...Your missing a whole lot!..If evolution created this stuff, it wouldnt be so brilliant...it would be sloppy, and seem mutated, but its not!
The hand is meant to develop alongside the brain, so standing up on two legs helped in that department.
Environment change such as Forrest destruction could have made this likely.
Human's developed alongside other similar beings but they died out? Why? they were a threat?
And all dogs every single one have been bred (evolved) from the wolf.
Over here if you want to continue our conversation.
U missed my other comment bro...I already debunked the evolution theory...remember?..The whole painting comparison??...btw, Where did wolves come from?...How come wolves are deadly wild animals, but Dogs are friendly animals?..Cuz dogs were designed to be man's best friends...pets are put on this earth to teach Humans how to be responsible, care, love, and deal with death and loss! Again, Evolution is like saying a brilliant painting created itself, but the painting is TOO perfect to just create itself...someone brilliant put it together!..and U guys have to accept that
Lol @ you "debunking" evolution. Yeah, some invisible cloud man created us because a lovely painting can't paint itself? Darwin would have no answer to your brilliance. Your logic is impeccable. Why don't we get back to talking boxing before you nutjobs strain yourselves trying to think too hard