“@FreddieRoach: @floydmayweather 1st choice if he comes to table well take fight any day RT @ben_fire1:@FreddieRoach why don't ya want the mayweather fight?/div>
oh lord, mayweather should stop hiding now. let's see what excuses he'll come up with this time.
make it happen!
Wow, talk about delusional.. I guess you didn't see Manny damn near shyt his pants when Max mentioned Floyd?
And you missed Bob totally avoiding even going to the table for a Floyd fite, even after there was a date and place for the fite.
Manny is fiting Juan AGAIN, but the Floyd fite is rite there and it's Floyd running? Jesus H!
“@FreddieRoach: @floydmayweather 1st choice if he comes to table well take fight any day RT @ben_fire1:@FreddieRoach why don't ya want the mayweather fight?/div>