True greatness is achieved when natural talent coincides with hard work and determination.
Hard work is great but it can only overcome so much natural talent.
Natural talent is great but without hard work one will never get the most out of it.
And if you mind is not in proper condition none of either will matter much because when the moments come one will not have the wherewithal to take advantage.
Flyd dont fight as much as your average boxer, so he has more time on his hands to train in the art of boxing. Whereas other fighters spend their time fighting.
Floyd probably dont have any other hobbies than boxing so he gives a lot of time to learing boxing.
He busts his ass in training, not shown hes god given talent. Nothing to suggest that.
Both. He is a natural born athlete plus he works hard. Combine that with excellent coaching and grooming as he was coming up and you have Floyd Mayweather.
U dont have to believe in God etc, but believe this...No matter how hard you train, no matter how many hours you spend hitting the bag, lifting weights, or running. If it aint in you it aint in you. Now ask yourself did it get into FLoyd Mayweather Jr?
his dad and uncle wasnt even on this guys level so it couldnt be his GENES...theres no such thing as a BOXING GENE. They may be good trainer but they cant train everyone to be a floyd mayweather his talents would have to be GOD GIVEN...
Not saying that GOD loves floyd more, we all have talents...FLoyd is just a wizard in the ring....NO PEDS...just talent..
you hit the nail on the head. there is no boxing gene, or at least none that scientists have found.
The main difference between floyd and his father is that SR didn't have the luxury of knowing exactly how to train to eventually become a superstar.
Floyd jr was guided how to train exactly how you should to be efficient.
That combined with his father (most likely) pushing him really hard when he didn't want to box etc, made him really extraordinary.
The exact same thing can be said for Tiger Woods, and how his father drove him to excel in golf.
His biggest "talent" is his work ethic. No one works harder and has been for almost 30 years. Thats the answer.
"Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect"