I could sense deja vu. Ortiz will repeatedly hammer Floyd's balls this time ignoring any warning, and tooth-less Roger and Sr. will come into the ring and choke and tackle Victor down. This would be very exiting to watch. Can't wait.
That is exactly what I would do.
Ortiz has got to take Mayweather out of his comfort zone.
Also, I would be repeatedly smashing his left shoulder just above the bicep.
Forget head-hunting, if Mayweather wants in the sit in the pocket and absorb that ****, then I would make him most welcome.
He needs to bring consistent accurate pressure, and he needs to make Mayweather pay with something. *** fighting Floyds fight, Vic needs to control the pace and bring some serious pressure. But it will be extremely difficult to cut off the ring and exert that kind of pressure without a stiff dominant jab.
this fight will be interesting and competitive for about 5 rounds -- can see Ortiz giving PBF some problems early on -- Mayweather by TKO in the 8th or 9th round
Bless you all, as soon as Floyd demolishes this kid I will enjoy your excuses ''I said all along Ortiz had no heart'' blah blah pmsl!
Ortiz couldn't knock a wank out. Floyd is going to slap the **** outta him.
Make sure you stay online after this fight. I'm sure you will hide or change your ID. Remember your not a fan but I know you'll want his underwear poster on Sept18
this fight will be interesting and competitive for about 5 rounds -- can see Ortiz giving PBF some problems early on -- Mayweather by TKO in the 8th or 9th round
Dude! get real older fighters who have to fight do not get better as the fight goes. If anything Mayweather will look good early and Ortiz will start the walk down around 3 or 4. After that it will be an elbow and holding fest for Floyd. Ortiz wins this by UD because Mayweather will do what he claims they all did, SURVIVE!
Pls every1 ignore Victoria ! He is clearly delusional, maybe just got off doin a fewlines with Delahota! Lol! Stfu, u aint doin ****! Ok genius and how r u gna do that? Pls pls tell us how? How r u gna manage to do that if ur gna be able to hit him! Can't wait till all u Floyd haters finally stfu! Oh! And to that genius sayin the PWill was an upset or got shocked with that KO! It wasn't like he got KO'd by a nobody! It was Martinez! So. Idk wat part of that was a shock! Get em Floyd!
first of puta!
Floyd's D is not as great as what you make it. Great head movement but lack of waist movement. Castillo hit his ass all night in their fight. Castillo is slow as ****. Timing is the name of the game not speed. If you think that in 12 rounds Ortiz will not land then your fooling yourself big time.