Originally posted by TyrantT316
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golata had his hands up like george
1 punch at a time
he had that same bad aim unless a person was where he needed them to be
he threw 1 punch at a time
and was almost the same speed but with better defense chris had some trouble with him but he was countered easy mutiple times
golata was a real hw and tough
George wasnt to hard shots
chris wasnt a hard hitter but he would combo when he knew he could he would like i said combo george to a ko
George defense he had none and was more sloopy then golata its easy to see chris makes him look foolish
your pick for george is ****** like you anybody with good vision knows Chris would ko him from accumulated punches
Commentary said in matches that chris would ko a person if they walked in with no defense they said that cause of his great ability to pick shots and land with combos
George had no defense
So no george wouldnt win