by David P. Greisman - He head butts, seemingly unintentionally, definitely otherwise. He crashes the point of his hip into his opponent’s body before initiating a clinch. He punches his opponent’s legs while the referee stands on the opposite side.
Bernard Hopkins knows the tricks. He also knows the trade.
He is a technically proficient fighter whose timing is still there on offense, whose reflexes are still there on defense, who does all the little things that add science to the simple premise of hit and don’t get hit. He is tough. He is strong.
He is smart.
For all of his physical abilities, it is Hopkins’ mental game that has made him victorious, a lock for the Hall of Fame with more than 50 wins, with a run that saw him win a title belt at 160 pounds in 1995 and not relinquish it for a decade until 20 fights later, with a career that has included championships won at middleweight and light heavyweight.
It is his mental game that has made him durable, a 46-year-old man who can compete and defeat men two decades his junior in large part due to his conditioning and his strategy. He knows he must approach each training camp with discipline and dedication, and he knows that he must approach these fights differently than he would have when he was younger. [Click Here To Read More]
Bernard Hopkins knows the tricks. He also knows the trade.
He is a technically proficient fighter whose timing is still there on offense, whose reflexes are still there on defense, who does all the little things that add science to the simple premise of hit and don’t get hit. He is tough. He is strong.
He is smart.
For all of his physical abilities, it is Hopkins’ mental game that has made him victorious, a lock for the Hall of Fame with more than 50 wins, with a run that saw him win a title belt at 160 pounds in 1995 and not relinquish it for a decade until 20 fights later, with a career that has included championships won at middleweight and light heavyweight.
It is his mental game that has made him durable, a 46-year-old man who can compete and defeat men two decades his junior in large part due to his conditioning and his strategy. He knows he must approach each training camp with discipline and dedication, and he knows that he must approach these fights differently than he would have when he was younger. [Click Here To Read More]