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Comments Thread For: Mosley's Cutman on The Foot Injury During Pacquiao Fight

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    Chop Chop made those shoes, looks like they ****ed up Mosley's feet, that wont be good for business Chop, but shane is the dumbass for wearing them


      Originally posted by hvirk View Post
      lol at 'RUNNING', what's all this nonsense about shane running all night....

      he was there for the taking, manny just couldn't see the openings or at least not take advantage of them....

      as far as shane, he manoeuvred well but just didn't let his hands go - a clear sign of a shot fighter.... so many boxers could have and would have hit manny all night - that's the worst performance he's had at welterweight....

      how anyone can say manny would even stand a chance against floyd based on that is plain ******ity.... shane's never been a defensive boxer, and he pretty much managed to handle manny's attacks easily he had a lapse of concentration in the third round and got dropped but other than that he was barely threatened.
      I think it was Mosley's job to expose Pac's flaws.


        I'm not saying that I buy this story. However, he's right. Shoes need to break in. Especially boxing shoes or any other contact/extreme sport footwear.

        I'm sure boxers on this board can agree with Jimmy Glenn's statement. I've tried it myself. The first week with new boxing shoes is hell as your feet need to adapt to them. Especially lightweight models with minimal shock-absorbent soles. You'll get nasty blisters.

        And believe me when I say that bleeding blisters on your feet can be a lot more painful than having a cut or a broken nose.

        Again, I'm not saying that Shane had a chance if he picked "the right shoes" but there is SOME true to this story.

        I just can't fathom why Shane would pick new shoes he never wore before. How idiotic.
        Last edited by Main Source; 05-10-2011, 08:28 AM.


          LOL @ Chop Chop being his sparring partner

          LOL @ Chop Chop giving Shane the shoes to wear

          LOL @ Chop Chop saying Floyd is scared of Manny

          LOL @ Chop Chop being in cahoots with Manny, and giving Shane bad shoes...




            for having a jacked up, bloody foot, he sure ran good!!


              shanes foot hurt because the shoes he had on were made for boxing, not running. shane needed some nike air max for what he was doing. he didnt even try, thats whats sad.. people paid to see him quit in the ring. shane needs to retire before he becomes a stepping stone for up n commers.


                This is almost as ridiculous as Pac's many excuses for the Morales loss.

                blood test weakened me
                wrong gloves
                wrong sox


                  Damn Chop Chop... how do you feel?!


                    Is this a serious reason that they r trying to put out of him loosing the fight!!?? To me after the knock down and after Shane got hurt he never wanted to engage and was gun shy the whole fight coming in getting caught with the right hook and when standing in front gets caught with the straight left so the best place was away from manny's reach that was a couple of feet away from him and just try to survive the fight and not get hurt...


                      a Little Clarity??

                      After seeing the Fight, I think Mosley should retire, Maybe his shoes was bothering him, regardless, YOU MUST SHOW UP , IN THE BIG FIGHTS, the FANS deserve NOTHING LESS, THE FANS SPENT "GOOD $$", to see ACTION, and be ENTERTAINED. I'm the Biggest Mosley Fan 4sure, but the TRUTH is, He didn't "GET OFF" with many Punches, BUT for 39yrs old, I was Glad too see His Mental Reflexes were still there, his Defense was pretty good, He slicked his way throughout this fight, Manny Landed "SOME" solid Punches, But "MANY" were off the Mark or "Glancing Blows", not solid enough to do the Damage necessary, to get a KO, or Make Mosley bleed. HE DID THOUGH, BEAT THE SNOT!! out of Cotto, yes Cotto fought More like a Warrior SHOULD, Margo-Cheato aa well. my point being , Mosley was able to survive the kinda damage others have taken from Pacman, and he's 39yrs old, Too bad he didn't Fight Manny the way we EXPECTED HIM TOO, but maybe the SHOE, was an issue. Either Way, he doesn't Deserve anymore BIG FIGHT/BIG PAY DAYS, If He wants to Redeem himself b4 he retires, that would be fine with me. Find a Good B Fighter, Like an Ortiz or Cotto even, to fight, and see what happens, If he wins against someone of this Caliber, that would be a "Good Win" to Retire On. But Plz, No More Calling Out the BEST in the Game, I don't Think Mosley at 39yrs old, Can Compete for 12rds with Them.
                      Last edited by mananimal; 05-10-2011, 11:14 AM. Reason: El Typo Error's

