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Implement Random Hair Follicle Tests

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    Originally posted by BoxingWasp View Post
    that's interesting. i knew a guy who went nearly a month without smoking and even used masking shampoo and still came back dirty. maybe it was a flaw in that particular test. not sure as im not educated on how to actually test the samples, but i think any type of non-invasive testing (hair, nails, or even urine) is better as long as it's random. of course i'd suggest hair if, as they claim, it's more effective, but the inclusion of random testing alone is better than what they have in place right now.
    Research for hair testing in boxing. If you make a petition, I'll sign. I'm sure most of us would.

    Who knows how far that'll get us though.


      I'd imagine it has a lot to do w/ an individual's biological dynamics. Like how it's harder for fat people to get clean because THC clings to fat cells. From what Ive read, the most accurate way to test is blood and of course, randomly. BTW I wanna see floyd get is ass whooped as much as the next guy, maybe more, but Olympic style testing is the only way to maintain integrity within the sport. Unless of course integrity isn't on the agenda.


        ALL TESTS ARE EASILY COMPROMISED, HAIR, BLOOD, URINE, EVEN A CULTURE, although the culture is harder to cheat but still comprisable...........

        even if the fighter isnt cheating someone can mess with the samples compromising the tests, the fight, and a fighters career..........

        im for fairness but we have to look at this without emotions and speculations....

        you guys calling for extra testing think that you're doing gods work and looking into areas that have never been discovered, but you're actually coming to this really late, because the commissions have been researching this stuff for a long time and came to the conclusion that it's more work and hassles than its' really worth............

        why do you think they test AFTER the fight, because if tested before the fight and found dirty, IT WOULD **** OFF A **** TON OF MONEY!!!!!

        when they can test afterwards and penalize and collect cash for the infraction!!!!

        get with the program guys, IF IT DONT MAKE DOLLARS IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!!!! testing prior equals LOST DOLLARS, testing after the fight with someone coming up dirty equals the commissions GETTING PAID AGAIN!!!!

        i know you all are wanting good for the sport and have a good heart about it, but it's a dirty business that isnt getting cleaned up and the almighty dollar rules, so until that changes, GIVE UP THESE HALF BRAIN DRUG TESTING SCHEMES!!! IT IS FUTILE...............


          Originally posted by deuce_drop View Post
          ALL TESTS ARE EASILY COMPROMISED, HAIR, BLOOD, URINE, EVEN A CULTURE, although the culture is harder to cheat but still comprisable...........

          even if the fighter isnt cheating someone can mess with the samples compromising the tests, the fight, and a fighters career..........

          im for fairness but we have to look at this without emotions and speculations....

          you guys calling for extra testing think that you're doing gods work and looking into areas that have never been discovered, but you're actually coming to this really late, because the commissions have been researching this stuff for a long time and came to the conclusion that it's more work and hassles than its' really worth............

          why do you think they test AFTER the fight, because if tested before the fight and found dirty, IT WOULD **** OFF A **** TON OF MONEY!!!!!

          when they can test afterwards and penalize and collect cash for the infraction!!!!

          get with the program guys, IF IT DONT MAKE DOLLARS IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!!!! testing prior equals LOST DOLLARS, testing after the fight with someone coming up dirty equals the commissions GETTING PAID AGAIN!!!!

          i know you all are wanting good for the sport and have a good heart about it, but it's a dirty business that isnt getting cleaned up and the almighty dollar rules, so until that changes, GIVE UP THESE HALF BRAIN DRUG TESTING SCHEMES!!! IT IS FUTILE...............
          "God's work"? Lets not get carried away.

          Even "wanting good for the sport" and "have a good heart" is reaching.

          I enjoy a fair fight. It's that simple. Clean fighters should want a fair fight also. If a fighter comes up dirty they can push the fight back and fine the dirty fighter. A fighter doesn't actually have to fight before you can fine or penalize them in some way. It's primarily a deterrent anyways. On top of that a fighter would be ****** to take drugs under random testing anyways. Their image would suffer badly and they'd never fully recover.

          If they only test after the fight then the fighters can still dope and come up clean. Thus, we've already witnessed an unfair fight. They already spend money with hepatitis, HIV, and post fight testing... all they have to do is spend a little more. They can make up that money from somewhere else. If it's all about saving money then how about not testing for anything at all? Where do you draw the line in terms of saving money? Ridiculous, man. They need to upgrade their testing. Period. Random something.
          Last edited by BoxingWasp; 04-21-2011, 06:35 PM.


            Originally posted by BoxingWasp View Post
            "God's work"? Lets not get carried away.

            Even "wanting good for the sport" and "have a good heart" is reaching.

            I enjoy a fair fight. It's that simple. Clean fighters should want a fair fight also. If a fighter comes up dirty they can push the fight back and fine the dirty fighter. A fighter doesn't actually have to fight before you can fine or penalize them in some way. It's primarily a deterrent anyways. On top of that a fighter would be ****** to take drugs under random testing anyways. Their image would suffer badly and they'd never fully recover.

            If they only test after the fight then the fighters can still dope and come up clean. Thus, we've already witnessed an unfair fight. They already spend money with hepatitis, HIV, and post fight testing... all they have to do is spend a little more. They can make up that money from somewhere else. If it's all about saving money then how about not testing for anything at all? Where do you draw the line in terms of saving money? Ridiculous, man. They need to upgrade their testing. Period. Random something.

            i feel you about the randoms, i don't like the blood test though, swab or hair is cool, random urine test work good. the reason i don't like blood tests is because like mosley had to endure in his fight with floyd, he was completely drained and had no water in his body, he couldn't piss a drop to save his life and he had to give up blood, which makes things worse and i find would be more draining.......

            with that being said, im not against drug testing, im against fighters slandering another then demanding drug test..... im against that.

            as for before the fight drug test, thats fine and dandy with randoms, but like i said, all tests are compromise-able, i know, i've passed and failed them all.

            i too like a fair fight and the commissions need to apply more scrutiny, they really do. the fact of the matter is, there is too much money involved to make randoms a standard practice, because, well, you say they can push the fight back, well pushing the fight back is a loss of MAJOR MONEY, you have site fee's, tv fees, insurance, etc,etc, all of who has either been paid with no refunds or is going to say " **** YOU PAY ME! or we sue!!!", we see it quite often.....

            besides, testing after the fight happens IMMEDIATELY, no one could time that out to the minute of something being effective enough in their body to cheat and win AND BE GONE BY THE FINAL BELL, it's not realistic and isnt going to happen.

            we see fighters get popped after a fight all the time, it just happened in mma with a guy who got caught with a masking agent, THEY TEST FOR THOSE TOO!!! trying to cover up his steroids use.

            and no they don't care about the fighters, they only care about money, why do you think they SIGN their lives away on the DOTTED LINE, because NO ONE wants to or will be responsible for another mans actions in boxing if the shidt hits the fan........

            if anyone did care, they would start up a retirement fund for boxers and they would have a major single body commission to govern all of boxing, well, within the states or where ever, but you get the picture..........

            the fans care more than the promoters and the powers that be do........

            sorry if i came across crass, im not digging all the drug testing solutions, when none of them really address the real problem in boxing and thats the powers that be............... it's corrupt from the top on down, no one will play fair until they're treated fair...........


              hell ya boxing needs to do something, imagine if Tyson was on them, Holyfield... they might as well stop it at the door and not end up like MLB, 5 years from now!


                Originally posted by deuce_drop View Post
                i feel you about the randoms, i don't like the blood test though, swab or hair is cool, random urine test work good. the reason i don't like blood tests is because like mosley had to endure in his fight with floyd, he was completely drained and had no water in his body, he couldn't piss a drop to save his life and he had to give up blood, which makes things worse and i find would be more draining.......

                with that being said, im not against drug testing, im against fighters slandering another then demanding drug test..... im against that.

                as for before the fight drug test, thats fine and dandy with randoms, but like i said, all tests are compromise-able, i know, i've passed and failed them all.

                i too like a fair fight and the commissions need to apply more scrutiny, they really do. the fact of the matter is, there is too much money involved to make randoms a standard practice, because, well, you say they can push the fight back, well pushing the fight back is a loss of MAJOR MONEY, you have site fee's, tv fees, insurance, etc,etc, all of who has either been paid with no refunds or is going to say " **** YOU PAY ME! or we sue!!!", we see it quite often.....

                besides, testing after the fight happens IMMEDIATELY, no one could time that out to the minute of something being effective enough in their body to cheat and win AND BE GONE BY THE FINAL BELL, it's not realistic and isnt going to happen.

                we see fighters get popped after a fight all the time, it just happened in mma with a guy who got caught with a masking agent, THEY TEST FOR THOSE TOO!!! trying to cover up his steroids use.

                and no they don't care about the fighters, they only care about money, why do you think they SIGN their lives away on the DOTTED LINE, because NO ONE wants to or will be responsible for another mans actions in boxing if the shidt hits the fan........

                if anyone did care, they would start up a retirement fund for boxers and they would have a major single body commission to govern all of boxing, well, within the states or where ever, but you get the picture..........

                the fans care more than the promoters and the powers that be do........

                sorry if i came across crass, im not digging all the drug testing solutions, when none of them really address the real problem in boxing and thats the powers that be............... it's corrupt from the top on down, no one will play fair until they're treated fair...........
                no problem..

                "testing after the fight happens IMMEDIATELY, no one could time that out to the minute of something being effective enough in their body to cheat and win AND BE GONE BY THE FINAL BELL"

                As Victor pointed out, the PEDs would only be used during training. They would be out of their system long before fightnight. If you use certain PEDs during training you will still benefit from them for weeks after they clear your system. That's why the post fight urine test is basically useless.

                How often do you really think fighters will test dirty if they know that it will possibly cost them their boxing career? i seriously doubt it would be very often. i think fighters would realize that if they want to make a living then they have to stay clean and pushing back a fight would happen so rarely that it would not cause a serious problem.

                This is an intimate sport... one on one combat and i think if any sport needs the best testing it's one on one combat sports. nothing makes more sense in my mind. we got people in this world who can hardly find a single meal in a given day and these multi-million dollar commissions squeal over an extra 2 or 3 urine or hair tests? Again, i think it's ridiculous. With all the educated people in the business i'm sure they can figure out how to cut expenses from something somewhere and make it happen.


                  This is getting out of hand,we dont need any extra tests in boxing


                    Originally posted by Koca1nst1xx View Post
                    hell ya boxing needs to do something, imagine if Tyson was on them, Holyfield... they might as well stop it at the door and not end up like MLB, 5 years from now!
                    only speaking of steroids, i've seen guys lift an extra 50 to 75 pounds after a single cycle of steroids. that's huge. when you can go from only benching 225 to 300 that's a gain increase in power. so yea... the welfare of the fighters is another concern.

