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Who Won Pac-Bradley? Post fight discussion STOP MAKING NEW THREADS ABOUT THIS FIGHT.
Originally posted by renren40I'm sure those judges have cable and they watched HB0 24/7.
They knew JuanMa drank piss and honestly is a boring fighter.
Then Bradley comes along with his fresh personality and cool ass dad and step kids and cute baby...and a normal wife thats not a model....
how do you not give him the edge?
Originally posted by Mr. Fantastic View PostYup just like the ones that support Jones, Toney, Mosley, Peterson, Vargas, and others.
Top it off the ones that can afford to pay for fights and rather not spend on the sport they love. Yet they call someone like Arum greedy.
All judges had the fight 115-113. That's not a robbery that's each judge seeing one round different or scoring different. But they all agreed on a close fight that could had gone either way.
The popularity of pac, the unknown Bradley, the emotions, the Mega fight, all played a factor in how biased people saw the fight.
When you already have your mind made up on who is gonna win, you give close rounds to that boxer and you see things differently.
Funny how Duane Ford was good enough to score Pac- Marquez to Pac but is corrupt for seeing this one for Bradley.
And how Jerry Roth sucks because he scored in favor of Marquez, but he's now the only right one because he thought Pac won.
Double standards and hypocrisy .
Pac was not suppose to lose , well he did .
You can cry all you want. WBO will not overturn it nor will anything Happen to those Judges.
Who up until last night were highly Notable and respected judges
Originally posted by DeadLikeMe View PostI'm skeptical of it being an "Arum-centric" conspiracy because I don't see how devaluing the most valuable fighter he has ever had would be beneficial to him in any conceivable way. At the same time the vast majority of people are blaming Arum and their opinions seem valid enough as well for the time being. I wanted to sit on the fence for a couple more days but the Horus thread drew me out because I share his opinion to a lesser extent.
Originally posted by SweetScience View PostPac giving away the last few rounds will always be what people will say why he lost...ala Oscar/tito...even Pac "winning" the 3rd Marquez fight. And realistically Pac didn't look all that great in the fight....fighting in spots? What happened to his unreal punch output and stamina?????
You know what happened to it lmao