i swear when i saw a documentary about this guy and how he helped pro atheletes beat mandatory drug testing in which ever sports that they were participating in and how he was clever enough to make a routined schedule on which drugs to take on which days in a way and sense that it would be undetectable really made me think now how much of a joke drug testing procedures could be.
in fact after watching the documentary i was amazed out how clever he was in how he mixed normal and lab made drugs together in a way where it cannot be detected at all that now i see myself wondering who really is or is not on the stuff which he used to supply? he said hes clean now but i doubt it (im not saying donaire or ward are roiding but i have a little su****ion due to contes background and balco work)
in fact after watching the documentary i was amazed out how clever he was in how he mixed normal and lab made drugs together in a way where it cannot be detected at all that now i see myself wondering who really is or is not on the stuff which he used to supply? he said hes clean now but i doubt it (im not saying donaire or ward are roiding but i have a little su****ion due to contes background and balco work)