I know it's annoying flooding the front page with the endless threads about a fantasy fight that will never happen, but this **** is just pathetic.
But who didn't see this coming? It's been the trend since last Spring/Summer. The whole world calls for Floyd to step up, he doesn't say a word and stays in hiding. Pacquiao signs on to fight someone else and when it becomes official, Floyd comes out of his rabbit hole to post some tough guy internet ****. Pac destroys his opponent, Floyd goes back into hiding, not to be heard from for months. Rinse and repeat.
I guess finding out ***** and Nelson Mandela are both *******s must've pushed him over the edge this time
"Jealousy is for women but some n*ggas is b*tch-made" -50 Cent
Floyd should listen to his (butt)buddy Curtis.
Instead of proving he's better than Pac in the ring, he's gonna show us a video. Lol, what a clown.
The public pressure 2 fight pac is getting unbearable 4 wifebeater. He's losing his cool that why he has 2 go down 2 the level of internet trolls. Wifebeater will never live down his avoidance & duckage of pac.
hahahahaha pac fans really took this personal
Why can't you idiots just laugh at it. It's pretty funny in my eyes
Cause its not funny. Its sad & pathetic how wifebeater has gone from one of the best in this generation 2 an internet troll. Instead of proving he can beat pac in the ring, he's gonna try & do it on twitter & facebook. Wat a pathetic loser. No amount of $ will cover up the fact that he's a ducking coward.
Cause its not funny. Its sad & pathetic how wifebeater has gone from one of the best in this generation 2 an internet troll. Instead of proving he can beat pac in the ring, he's gonna try & do it on twitter & facebook. Wat a pathetic loser. No amount of $ will cover up the fact that he's a ducking coward.
Pacquiao should add Floyd on Facebook...i bet you his page becomes a ghost town