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People should stop comparing McCloskey with Salita

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    Originally posted by wazaa. View Post
    Peterson should have accepted the 300K offer then.
    even a khan/peterson fight shouldn't be a ppv, but it atleast is a HBO B.A.D. quality fight.


      Originally posted by Chief2ndzOnly! View Post
      I completely agree. That was a good price for him, and his biggest to date from my understanding. He should've taken it. I think it was more so his team priced him out and not so much Peterson himself. But either way it was for a title, and he should've taken it.
      nah... now khan is fighting a nobody. some UK fans even say they don't konw who the irish bum is.

      so peterson was right to hold out. more than likely he would lose, especially with the fight in the UK, and he atleast deserved to make more than usual. but peterson is signed with GBP and GBP will recycle him sooner or later anyways.


        Originally posted by ThePhantom5 View Post
        Please correct me if I'm wrong but every article I've read so far prior to the Khan-Salita fight, had Salita ranked in the top 5 or 10 at JWW.

        In fact this is a qoute from an interview with Salita.

        Salita: I am ranked number 1 in the world right now. I am the mandatory challenger to fight Amir Khan.

        Who is Amir Khan?

        He’s an Olympic silver medalist. He’s from England. He’s of Pakistani decent. And he is the champion right now.

        So the champ isn’t ranked?

        No. The champion is above the rankings. The challengers are ranked.
        yea he was ranked number 1 by the wba. gary lockett and michael jennings were also ranked number 1. but do belt organizations know anything about boxing? no. did any credible place like the ring or boxrec have him ranked highly? no.


          Originally posted by wazaa. View Post
          No. Did you know about Peterson before Bradley fought him?

          Had you seen any of his fights before Bradley?
          Yes I have heard of them before in fact.

          The Peterson bro's were hotter in bxing than they are now, mainly because they were brothers and good prospects.

          Plus I am a boxing fan.

          You're talking like you know Mckowskey that he is good, but using his ranking by the Ring as something.

          Who has he fought?

          I have already listed 10 better fighters at 140 than him.

          He has fought bums and he looks good, but he hasn't faced anything near the level of Khan.

          Being undefeated? Heck if everyone faced who Mcklowskey has faced, they would be undefeated.

          You also say he has been on Sky Sports, heck bums go on there. Seriously.


            Originally posted by daggum View Post
            yea he was ranked number 1 by the wba. gary lockett and michael jennings were also ranked number 1. but do belt organizations know anything about boxing? no. did any credible place like the ring or boxrec have him ranked highly? no.
            Great point. Unlike in this case with McCloskey, neither The Ring or BoxRec ranked Salita, Jennings or Lockett highly.


              Wazaa you **** you've been giving me **** about mc closkey and how **** he is ever since this fight was considered!


                Originally posted by PandaKilla View Post
                Yes I have heard of them before in fact.

                The Peterson bro's were hotter in bxing than they are now, mainly because they were brothers and good prospects.

                Plus I am a boxing fan.

                You're talking like you know Mckowskey that he is good, but using his ranking by the Ring as something.

                Who has he fought?

                I have already listed 10 better fighters at 140 than him.

                He has fought bums and he looks good, but he hasn't faced anything near the level of Khan.

                Being undefeated? Heck if everyone faced who Mcklowskey has faced, they would be undefeated.

                You also say he has been on Sky Sports, heck bums go on there. Seriously.
                But Peterson´s resume prior to Bradley wasn´t significantly better than McCloskey´s resume is now.


                  Originally posted by REASON * View Post
                  Wazaa you **** you've been giving me **** about mc closkey and how **** he is ever since this fight was considered!
                  He has got pretty decent boxing skills actually. He is **** because he is Irish though.


                    Originally posted by wazaa. View Post
                    But Peterson´s resume prior to Bradley wasn´t significantly better than McCloskey´s resume is now.
                    That is true, but Peterson is better technically, faster, and more athletic.

                    Mcloswkey is 36, slower, not defensive and is just not good.

                    Come on man, the people who hype this Irish bum are making us look bad. When Khan easily beats him, they will think badly of you as a fan.

                    All I am saying, I know how to analyse fighters and I can see what is good or bad during a fight. I am no genius, but I can see keys factors that can help me judge a fight. Mclowskey is shiet.

                    Peterson at least will add a better name and fighter to his resume. Mclowskey won't get better at 36. Petrson can.


                      Originally posted by PandaKilla View Post
                      That is true, but Peterson is better technically, faster, and more athletic.

                      Mcloswkey is 36, slower, not defensive and is just not good.

                      Come on man, the people who hype this Irish bum are making us look bad. When Khan easily beats him, they will think badly of you as a fan.

                      All I am saying, I know how to analyse fighters and I can see what is good or bad during a fight. I am no genius, but I can see keys factors that can help me judge a fight. Mclowskey is shiet.

                      Peterson at least will add a better name and fighter to his resume. Mclowskey won't get better at 36. Petrson can.
                      McCloskey isnt 36, he is 31. He is in the prime of his career.

                      Yes, technically Peterson is a better fighter. Peterson > McCloskey, no doubt.

                      All I'm saying is that there isn't that much quality difference between Amir fighting Peterson or Amir fighting McCloskey.

