Seriously khan??the man who ko'd you in 54 seconds has to earn a fight??yet you try to fight witter who hasnt done jack **** in years????you said you dont want any excuses when you ko prescott??yet you make all the excuses in the world not to rematch the guy who took your head off..
Seriously khan??the man who ko'd you in 54 seconds has to earn a fight??yet you try to fight witter who hasnt done jack **** in years????you said you dont want any excuses when you ko prescott??yet you make all the excuses in the world not to rematch the guy who took your head off..
that just makes it sound bad. most ppl know khan would whup em but **** that this fight in uk is the perfect opportunity
You guys seriously overrate prescott, it is laughable.
Witter even now would decapitate prescott.
I don't understand where this comes from...who has prescott beaten at 140, hell even 135 to justify this, he's not even ranked. You ask what witter has done lately...but how long ago was it that prescott beat khan...coming up to 3 years now. It is now obvious to me and many others that khan was severely weight drained against prescott.
Why isn't prescott trying to call kevin mitchell out, or any of the other guys that have dominated him, he is looking for a pay day...plain and simple and you guys fall for it. Mccloskey, peterson, witter, katisidis, hell even kevin mitchell would be tougher for khan than prescott imo and are all higher calibre fighters...this thread is a fail for anyone with half a brain