Man **** those $8/hour rent-a-cops, dude was TRYING to provoke something just because
If anybody on this board would've enjoyed being told to show ID at 4a.m. at a residence EVERYBODY knows you live in including the security, you'd be pissed too
This is where your "hebewit" comes in handy...
If I live in a gated rich community, I'll be glad that the security guards check id at 4am.
For all he knows, the driver is being forced into his home to get robbed.
lmao I would be angry too at 4 am to get in my own daimn house lmao
it is not just his house. he is not like Pac in the Philippines which has bunch of security guards with high powered fire arms gurading pac's mansion and open pac's gate whenever pac leaves and enters his mansion
it is not just his house. he is not like Pac in the Philippines which has bunch of security guards with high powered fire arms gurading pac's mansion and open pac's gate whenever pac leave and enter his mansion