That was a really good fight!!! Kuddos to both fighters...they put up a show...Amir impressed me how he took it to Maidana at the begining of the fight, dropped him w/ a beautiful shot to the body...Maidana made adjustments and Amir couldn't work the body like he did in the 1st couple of rounds...Man, Khan survived the fight cause he invested in the body on the early rounds, if not Maidana would KO him...and YES people, Amir WAS REALLY HURT!!! but he proved a lot of heart, he could easily and hold to survived but he didn't and took it like a man!!! Impress w/ both fighters!!! Maidana finished really strong but was gassed.
Amir is a very good fighter, a lot of skills, but he is a KO to happen...which make his fights exciting!!!
I hope Amir and his team stop calling Floyd...not in the same league!!!
I wouldn't mind a re-match!!!
Amir is a very good fighter, a lot of skills, but he is a KO to happen...which make his fights exciting!!!
I hope Amir and his team stop calling Floyd...not in the same league!!!
I wouldn't mind a re-match!!!