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Predictions For Froch vs Abaraham?

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    Predictions For Froch vs Abaraham?

    Who wins & how?
    Froch Via KO/TKO
    Froch Via Decision
    Abraham Via KO/TKO
    Abraham Via Decision

    to summarize what i've said in other posts i give abraham a 51% chance of winning this fight


    *too patient and waits for shots too stubbornly to be lured into an off-rhythm slugfest with low-hands froch. will wait for a real counter-punch

    *will take advantage of frochs tendency to post his left hand on the inside while wailing away with the right, he did this a few times against pascal and taylor whom he was able to rough up into the defensive, but AA would see this instantly and clock him. He didn't do this much vs Kessler but then again he (and im sure he kicked himself for it afterwards) didnt push himself to the edge of his stamina in that fight and thought he was winning. If he lets abraham fight his fight, and its hard not to with abrahams defense and ability to walk people around the ring, then he may be tired enough to whip out this bad habit again and go down.

    Ways Froch can win:

    * let AA do his waiting game the first couple rounds then suddenly pour it on in the middle rounds and hope something that hurts him for the remainder of the fight lands. This is the point where Abraham starts to "test the waters" and will open himself a bit. If he gets hurt here, his plan for the later rounds may be sabotaged and Froch can then defensively box him with his range.

    * use abrahams peekaboo "cage" against him - frochs great at making pushes look like punches and if he can deflect abraham's bull charge to the side and land on him when he's off balance he could score a couple valuable (if awkward and superficial) knockdowns

    my take anyways from watching lots of both

    but its super close to me and both have enough power to land 1 punch and the rest of the fight to be a one sided beatdown.. although both are tough enough to hide it
    Last edited by Toe Injury; 11-21-2010, 07:27 PM.


      Its actually a tough pick but because of AA's power and frochs poor defence id have to favour a knockout for king arthur


        abraham is a better boxer the harder puncher the better chin. i dont see how he would lose this. i see him knocking froch out or down at least twice




            Originally posted by PepvsSaddler View Post
            Who wins & how?
            very tough fight to call.

            I'll go with AA by KO or stoppage. the stoppage will come late rather than early.

            for froch to win, he needs to be a master boxer, which he isn't, or outwork AA by throwing 100+ punches a round, which he can't.

            eventually froch will have to stand and trade, or get hit by AA and I don't think Froch's chin will be able to take it.

