Cotto's the man! I think deep doen he wants Marg to win so they can have a more significant rematch and he can win this time around.He probably doesn't want anymore of Pac imo.
funny how cotto has never clamored for a rematch after the inhumane battering and assault he absorbed at the hands of the slimiest sewer rat ever margocheato. Cotto lost his guts and pride after the mauling and embarrassing batterment by cheato.
There is no question margarito has loaded his gloves, probably many,many times including sparing sessions. And yes I believe HGH and EPO are part of Mannys(and many others including Margarito) training. And yes Floyd is a challenge ducking, girlfriend beating, money wasting, steroid hand cream using, gangsta waste of skin on the planet. See things for what the are, Tony beat Cotto near to death, I have watched thousands of fights, I was cheering for Tony, when Miguel took a knee, I was more happy to see it over than I was that margarito won. The disfiguring of Cottos face was shocking, like he was beat with a 2x4. Now if you like cheering for the bad guy that's one thing, but don't defend him or dishonor a true fighter like Cotto by suggesting he wasn't beaten by a horrendous cheating criminal. No proof, your wife comes home with grass stains on her knees and no underwear and you need more proof? Are you ******ed?
Cotto can win either fight. Not saying he will, but he is capable of beating either fighter. Cotto did not have a trainer against Pacquiao. Some people really don't understand how important a great trainer like Emanual Steward is. Cotto and Steward working together = possibly the best boxer in this sport.