what like accusing people of wrong doing without evidence?
That's a floyd ***** specialty.
Youre losing your grip with reality man, there's more to life than the Mayweathers. This is a boxing forum, Ive never heard you talk about fights not once.
In 2004, Mayweather was convicted on two counts of battery for punching two women at a Las Vegas nightclub the previous year. He was given suspended prison sentences, $1,000 in fines and ordered to complete impulse control counseling.
Mayweather in 2002 pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence in one case and battery in another. In 2005, a jury acquitted him of a third domestic violence charge, a felony, after his accuser changed her story. He reportedly was convicted of battery in his hometown of Grand Rapids, Mich., and he has also been the subject of civil lawsuits accusing him of battery.
that's not including swindling hard earned americans of their cash with his ppvs (excruciatingly boring forgone conclusions aka floyd's opponents) or this recent charges.
Youre losing your grip with reality man, there's more to life than the Mayweathers. This is a boxing forum, Ive never heard you talk about fights not once.
stop frontin. you know me & my past account. ive talked & made plenty of threads about other fighters.
Floyd will be smacking women around for many years to come
i dont mind that at all. that means more fodder for the media & potential demise of the man. he has 2 strikes already against him. one more serious charge & he's locked up for a long time. i would love for floyd to keep smacking women around & continue tarnishing his legacy, image, & destroying his family & life period.
i dont mind that at all. that means more fodder for the media & potential demise of the man. he has 2 strikes already against him. one more serious charge & he's locked up for a long time. i would love for floyd to keep smacking women around & continue tarnishing his legacy, image, & destroying his family & life period.
and you have never met the man. Just jealous ho logic right here.