Cant believe nobody pointed this out. He apologized to everybody except to the man he insulted.
The apology rang hollow, & it was only after he received a mainstream media backlash that his handlers made him apologize.
Did you ever hear him say i apologize to manny pacquiao?
He even made a effort to include some asian people on his ustream last night to perpetrate the fraud of him not being racist to asian people. How shameless & contrived could you be?
The apology was said, but it was not genuine & not the true feelings of the scumbag in question. It was forced. Anybody with a minuscule amount of perception can see the racist friday remark as the true nature of the high school drop out & convicted woman beater.
In the words of leonard ellerbe,
We all know who has a history of racist xenophobic remarks.
The apology rang hollow, & it was only after he received a mainstream media backlash that his handlers made him apologize.
Did you ever hear him say i apologize to manny pacquiao?
He even made a effort to include some asian people on his ustream last night to perpetrate the fraud of him not being racist to asian people. How shameless & contrived could you be?
The apology was said, but it was not genuine & not the true feelings of the scumbag in question. It was forced. Anybody with a minuscule amount of perception can see the racist friday remark as the true nature of the high school drop out & convicted woman beater.
In the words of leonard ellerbe,
We all know who has a history of racist xenophobic remarks.