Calderon 2-1........ Slick mother****a
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Segura coming in, ready to continue pressing the action. Calderon sticking a left hand in in the center of the ring. A decent right hook lands up top for Segura. A uppercut for Calderon partially lands but Calderon doesn't follow it up. Both men land right hands as Segura continues to chase. Calderon against the ropes and Segura begins to **** to the body and head of Calderon. Calderon blocks most but gets hammered with a few thudding blows. Calderon seems a little less crisp and Segura continues to press. Calderon moves away and counters with a left hand and an uppercut.
(JESUS, these commentators are so ****ing biased towards Calderon it's not even funny.)
39-37, Ivan Calderon.
Segura may have been energized by the last round as he comes out rushing in. Segura chops to the body with his left hand as they keep it in the middle of the ring. The right hand for Calderon lands but Segura takes it well. Segura lands a chopping left hand, then a solid uppercut finds the mark. Calderon takes a solid shot and backs away. Lands a jab as he moves. Segura comes back in and he begins to land some solid shots. Lefts and rights with Calderon in the corner and Calderon goes down, but the referee calls it a slip, even though the ropes held him up. Segura comes back in, landing hard to the body. Calderon is hurt badly. Calderon trying to hold on as Segura blasts away, Calderon hurt still as Segura seems a bit tired, but he continues to throw, hammering his man. Segura seems winded but he blasts Calderon to end the round.
48-47, Ivan Calderon. (Though that round could have been a 2 point round for Segura.)
Segura coming in after Calderon complained of eye problems in the corner. Segura damaging Calderon to the body, but Calderon is trying to fight the Mexican off. The crowd is chanting on their man, but Segura continues to rip the body, with some shots blocked. Calderon against the ropes, Segura going upstairs now. Calderon counters but he doesn't move. However, another right hand lands for Calderon. Nonetheless, Segura comes in, but a right hand lands and hurts Segura. Calderon still too fazed and winded to capitalize and Segura continues to come in. Left, right, left, right, left lands for Calderon. Segura keeps pressuring the champion, but Calderon lands a thudding shot but keeps rushing in as both men seem tired.
57-57, Draw.
Originally posted by THe TRiNiTY View PostROUND 6:
Segura coming in after Calderon complained of eye problems in the corner. Segura damaging Calderon to the body, but Calderon is trying to fight the Mexican off. The crowd is chanting on their man, but Segura continues to rip the body, with some shots blocked. Calderon against the ropes, Segura going upstairs now. Calderon counters but he doesn't move. However, another right hand lands for Calderon. Nonetheless, Segura comes in, but a right hand lands and hurts Segura. Calderon still too fazed and winded to capitalize and Segura continues to come in. Left, right, left, right, left lands for Calderon. Segura keeps pressuring the champion, but Calderon lands a thudding shot but keeps rushing in as both men seem tired.
57-57, Draw.