when the heat is on floyd they send out ellerbe to sacrifice himself by putting out the worlds dumbest and most dishonest statements.
"floyd has never used xylocain." even though we have video evidence of floyd admitting he does.
"there were no negotiations" even though everyone in the world knows there was.
the liar ellerbe could have come out with a statement weeks ago denying the negotiations cept he didn't know if floyd would take the fight so he couldn't. only now when public opinion is against floyd does he start lying his ass off. only a few simple minded folks will ever believe ellerbe. and strangely enough its those same folk who think mayweather is the greatest fighter ever. coincidence!
"floyd has never used xylocain." even though we have video evidence of floyd admitting he does.
"there were no negotiations" even though everyone in the world knows there was.
the liar ellerbe could have come out with a statement weeks ago denying the negotiations cept he didn't know if floyd would take the fight so he couldn't. only now when public opinion is against floyd does he start lying his ass off. only a few simple minded folks will ever believe ellerbe. and strangely enough its those same folk who think mayweather is the greatest fighter ever. coincidence!