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ESPN : NSAC won't license Margarito until he sees CSAC. Margarito suing CSAC?

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    ESPN : NSAC won't license Margarito until he sees CSAC. Margarito suing CSAC?

    At the moment, Margarito is applying for a license in the state of Nevada. ESPN's Dan Rafael is giving live updates during his chat...


    (12:51 PM)

    They have gotten to the Margarito section of the meeting. This should be interesting.

    (12:51 PM)

    Some preliminary stuff going on right now. Lawyers talking to the commission and going through some technical stuff.

    (12:58 PM)

    Margarito's attorney is making a presentation right now. Basically talking about Margarito's record has been spotless to this point and talking about how the past California inspector testified that he had done many of Margarito's fights and never suspected him of cheating.

    (1:02 PM)

    The Margarito thing is getting interesting.

    (1:03 PM)

    The chairman of the commission, Pat Lundvall -- she just interrupted Margarito's attorney and basically told him they are not going to retry the case from California.

    (1:12 PM)

    Margarito is now being questioned by the commissioners. He has a female translator from his attorney's firm translating for him.

    (1:14 PM)

    Margarito is saying it was pre-made knucklepads that Capetillo put on his hands before the Mosley fight. He said it is the only time Capetillo ever used a pre-made pad.

    (1:15 PM)

    The commissioners are on him pretty good right now. Margarito said he did not ask Capetillo why he used a pre-made knucklepad for the fight even though it was out of the ordinary.

    (1:32 PM)

    They are having a discussion about specifics of the hand wrapping and the routine that was usually followed. Margarito said again he didnt see anything different or feel anything different when he flexed his hand. He said, "I felt the wraps were fine."

    (1:40 PM)

    Right now the lawyer is making the point that when Margarito was asked for his hands after Naazim objected he was very cooperative with the commission inspector and offered no resistance when asked for his glove or when the wraps were about to be cut off.

    (1:47 PM)

    OK, the lawyer is done. Now Margarito himself is formally addressing the commission.

    (1:47 PM)

    He is thanking the commission for considering the application and says he appreciates their time.

    (1:48 PM)

    Margarito said he would never do anything to dishonor or discredit boxing.

    (1:48 PM)

    He is talking about his previously clean reputation of having never been accused of cheating. "I was as proud of that reputation as I was of my record in the ring."

    (1:49 PM)

    He is saying, "I understand you will have questions for me and I will answer them with the truth exactly as I did when I presented myself to the commission in California. I didnt have plater of Paris on my hads as some people have commented incorrectly."

    (1:50 PM)

    "Before the fight my trainer Javier Capetillo, my former trainer, put a knuckle pad made of gauze on my hand. I learned later the knuckle pad hd something irregular on the inside but I didnt know that truthfully in the moment."

    (1:50 PM)

    "The knuckle pad didnt seem diffent to ones he had put on my hands before."

    (1:51 PM)

    "I never felt anything hard or irregular. Evertthing I felt was that it was a knucklepad that was normal. In that moment I was focused on one thing and that was preparing myself to go out to the fight with Mosley."

    (1:51 PM)

    "If I would have noticed there was something irregular or wrong I would have been the first person to say I can't go out and fight."

    (1:53 PM)

    "I had many opportunities to fight in the past year (during the revocation period) but I respected the rules of hte commission. I thought about and talked to my family and decided not to fight."

    (1:54 PM)

    "Over the past year I have taken steps, spoken to my new trainer about the wrapping process about not breaking the rules. I have paid a very high price this past year."

    (1:55 PM)

    "I received many offers during my year punishment and what I decided was not to fight. I paid a high prioce but I think I've earned the right to come before you and ask respectfully for a license to restore my reputation with the fans."

    (1:55 PM)

    His statement is over. Now he is being questioned by the chairman.

    (1:57 PM)

    I am not sure if he was reading or doing it off the cuff, but it sounded like prepared remarks.

    (1:57 PM)

    "I accept responsibility because they are my hands and that is why I have taken steps to make sure this never happens again."

    (1:58 PM)

    He is saying he will now be more involved in the wrapping process rather just let his trainer do it and zone out.

    (1:58 PM)

    "I am going to be involved in the process and reviewing the materials that go on my hands."

    (1:59 PM)

    He was asked why he hasn't reapplied in California.

    (2:00 PM)

    "They gave me a punishment for one year. I havent gone back. I've already satisfied the punishment they gave me."
    Last edited by Antwuan Maxx; Today at 02:33 PM.
    Last edited by Vadrigar.; 07-09-2010, 04:27 PM.

    (2:00 PM)

    He is speaking Spanish and the comments are being translated.

    (2:01 PM)

    He is being asked again why he wouldn't go back and apply in California.

    (2:02 PM)

    "I come here to the commission in Nevada to show the world I dont need to use anything on my hands."

    (2:02 PM)

    He is not answering the question, obviously.

    (2:02 PM)

    "I've already met the punishment they gave me. I think even today they probably wouldn't give me a license and I don't think that's fair."

    (2:03 PM)

    He was asked if the Cali punishment was fair. "It is just (meaning justified) because they found something irregular. If I would have noticved I wouldn't have gone out (to the fight)."

    (2:03 PM)

    The lawyer is saying they are in Nevada because he's suing California.

    (2:04 PM)

    And he is making the point that they are not obligated that they have to apply in Cali and that he can apply anywhere he wants.

    Dan Rafael (2:04 PM)

    A commissioner just asked what could have happened to Shane had they not discovered those wraps.

    (2:05 PM)

    His answer -- "It would have been harm to Shane Mosley. It would have put him in danger. If I had known there is no way I would have gone out there."

    (2:06 PM)

    A commissioner has asked to go into deliberations.


      (2:09 PM)

      Commissioner Skip Avansino is saying he should have gone to Cali to apply because they have the files and are well versed in the case. He says he knows there is no obligation to do that and that Nevada is cvapable of voting up or down but he suggests to Margarito that it could be his in his best interest to return to California. He says he has served his time in California and they would be willing to listen to his testimony and statements. "I think he needs to go to Calif and clean this matter up. They should be the first to rule."

      (2:09 PM)

      This is getting interesting.

      (2:11 PM)

      The chairman is disagreeing with Avansino and saying Nevada should be able to vote without him having to go to California.

      (2:12 PM)

      Chairman Lundvall: "I do nto think he has a duty legally or morally to go back to California."

      (2:13 PM)

      Avansino made a motion to table the application until he goes back to California.

      (2:14 PM)

      Commissioner Bill Brady just seconded the motion from Avansino.

      (2:16 PM)

      They are clarifying the motion is not to deny the application (which would basically give him a one-year suspension). The motion is to table the application so he can go to Calif.

      (2:17 PM)

      They're getting real technical with the rules.

      (2:20 PM)

      They are questioning if he is remoreful right now.


        (2:21 PM)

        T.J. Day, another commissioner, agrees with the motion. Lundvall says she does not support the motion and wants to procede.

        (2:22 PM)

        She said, "There is not value in kicking the can down the road." She wants Nevada to take a stand.

        (2:22 PM)

        This is a real nailbiter I gotta tell you. I have no idea what is about to happen.

        (2:24 PM)

        Lundvall is going strong for Margarito. She says he deserves another chance.

        (2:24 PM)

        She said: "Asking for us to make a decision on his application he deserves that kind of answer instead of us passing it on to someone else."

        (2:25 PM)

        She said she supports his application and Avansino is still calling for a vote.

        (2:26 PM)

        They voted. 4-1. The commission has made a decison that it is not taking any action!

        (2:26 PM)


        (2:26 PM)

        They say he should go back to Calif. After that a process he is invited back to Nevada.

        (2:26 PM)

        I am fairly stunned right now.

        (2:26 PM)

        For the record -- Lundvall was the yes vote.


          So why did they have him go thru this meeting??


            Originally posted by LARRYX P4P#1 View Post
            So why did they have him go thru this meeting??
            Just to torture him and waste his time, I think. Good, he deserves so much worse.


              Originally posted by LARRYX P4P#1 View Post
              So why did they have him go thru this meeting??
              All you have to know is Margartio has been EXPOSED clean and hard.
              Last edited by Vadrigar.; 07-09-2010, 04:28 PM.


                Originally posted by -D33Pwaters- View Post
                All you have to know is Margartio has been EXPOSED clean and hard.
                Just like Ali being a coward when it came to fight for his own country.


                  Originally posted by Mr. Shit View Post
                  Just like Ali being a coward when it came to fight for his own country.
                  Last edited by Vadrigar.; 07-09-2010, 04:29 PM.


                    Originally posted by Mr. Fantastic View Post
                    Just like Ali being a coward when it came to fight for his own country.
                    This is one of the most ******est comments I have ever read here on boxingscene.

                    You should be ashame of yourself!!

