The UK newspaper The Independent under the headline: "Klitschko makes Haye bide his time", in which it pretends that Haye wanted to fight Wlad this year but that Wlad snubbed him!!!
Similar articles have appeared in most other British newspapers, and not one UK journalist has told the truth about what really happened.
Steve Bunce, Britain's best-known so-called boxing journalist has been openly supporting the idea that Haye should fight Audley Harrison, rather than fighting a top 20 Heavyweight.
I posted as a comment in the online version of The Independent's article:
My question is: are there any boxing journalists left in the UK? Or are they all simply cheerleaders for British fighters?
Similar articles have appeared in most other British newspapers, and not one UK journalist has told the truth about what really happened.
Steve Bunce, Britain's best-known so-called boxing journalist has been openly supporting the idea that Haye should fight Audley Harrison, rather than fighting a top 20 Heavyweight.
I posted as a comment in the online version of The Independent's article:
This article is hilariously biased. The headline should have been "Haye makes Klitschko bide his time". Wlad Klitschko got the IBF's permission to have a unification fight with Haye before fighting his mandatory against Povetkin. He then offered Haye a 50/50 purse split and no options, which is a far better deal than Haye deserves, given his resume at Heavyweight - but Haye turned it down - and Adam Booth actually told Klitschko to fight Povetkin before Haye.
There is absolutely no chance that Haye will fight either Klitschko this year - he is clearly trying to cash out for as long as possible with easy money making fights against second rate opponents, because he knows that once he does fight either Klitschko, he'll be knocked out. The sad thing is that the British media are still acting as his cheerleader. British boxing journalism appears to be dead. Real journalists do not act as cheerleaders.
There is absolutely no chance that Haye will fight either Klitschko this year - he is clearly trying to cash out for as long as possible with easy money making fights against second rate opponents, because he knows that once he does fight either Klitschko, he'll be knocked out. The sad thing is that the British media are still acting as his cheerleader. British boxing journalism appears to be dead. Real journalists do not act as cheerleaders.
My question is: are there any boxing journalists left in the UK? Or are they all simply cheerleaders for British fighters?