Originally posted by SturmRules
Funny that you would compare me to these two. It is ok with me because they seemingly understand boxing. If you actually took time to read our individual post you would notice that each of us are variant to one another and an extremely individualized. The thing that we do have in common is that we understand the game. Our arguments are similiar because we see the talent of an individual, and their past and present performance as well as capabilities, and not the hype that surrounds him, or what the media tells us. The problem is that you Klitchko fanatics are guided by your emotion rather than common sense, much in the same way a woman would be. There is a difference in logic and fanatcism. I hate floyd mayweather and hope that he loses however I know that he probably will not loose as he is talented as hell, no matter how I may feel about him as an individual does not change that for me. I can actually see that he is talented and I know that his chances of losing anytime soon are slim and none. I can see the talent that he has and I can analyze his capabilities etc. Now if I was guided by my emotion like many of you are, I would find every way to say that someone else in the division would kill him simply because I dont like him or because the media tells me that someone else is good enough to beat him. I would also buy into the hype of a fighter to be unnamed and by him simply doing anything even something simple like getting his car washed would somehow indicate that he is the greatest fighter in the world and that he will dominate everyone. This has nothing to do with boxing but is a prime example of the arguments that many of you come up with. Some of you are even Hipocritical in your arguments, for example one of you mentioned that rahman beat corey sanders when he was an old man, if you remember wlad fought him several years after rahman so does that make sanders any younger? No it doest but this is a prime example of how emotion takes over many of you and you all simply go bolistic on us.
Finally I notice that while Bozo, myself and The devil try to analyze things and give you all facts as to why we feel the way that we do on topics, many of you have no logical basis or arguable points or your arguments are not thought out thoroughly. Hence whenever one of the three of us comes up with an argument against the Klitchkos or any other boxer out there, that we have facts and arguable points to back up, you all turn it into a personal attack on us and as opposed to coming up with counter arguments you all turn it into an acttack on each of us as individuals. I respect each of your opinions and I never make attacks on any of you. This is changing today!!!!! From now on if you fire at me you will be fired upon in return. Think what you may me The devil and Bozo are the same or whatever you want. However we shall continue to come up with arguments based on understanding of the game, logic, analysis of the fighters and factual evidence. Most of the rest of you hate to hear the truth and because Bozo, Myself and The devil are armed with it it makes you all upset ad hurt. The first thing you learn when you learn to debate is that you must bring evidence, arguable points, facts and anlysis with you. YOu cannot turn a debate into an emotional rollercoaster and let your emotion get involved or it is no longer a debate its an argument. Why is it that every time we have an opposing view of anything that you all say, you all cover your ears and try to talk louder than us, much in the way that a woman would.. This is a damn nursery school it reminds me of the way the women acted when I was in elemtary and high school. They felt that by covering thier ears and screaming their point out louder and louder so as to speak over you, that their point would be gotten across and yours would not be heard.
Most of you Klic.... lovers seem to be locked in the matrix. The computer is actually telling you all that VK and WK are the most perfect machine out there and you all absorb it hook line and sinker. If anyone opposes this view you attack immediately and get all upset and teary eyed as if we are attacking your mom or your brother or sister. you want there to be this perfect world where everyone worships VK as a false idol and when anyone has an opposing view you turn it into a war on the person as oopposed to a war on their argument..
Before you drag me into this little flame war that you all have against bozo_no_no and the devil. why dont you take some time and look at our post? You will see that there is one where Bozo actually ask the devil to post some information on his sources. now if we were one and the same why do you think he would do such??
I dont feel like typing anymore so I shall leave it at this.
The truth hurts and as long as bozo, the devil and myself arm ourselves with it, you all will continue to let your emotions get the better of you.
The Klitchkos are not as good as you all make them out to be. Vitali's reign as champ will end in just a matter of time. Why do you all think he keeps getting sick and coming up with injuries? Next he will develop ebola and then avoid rahman once again yet he will call out for a fight with Peter Mcneely or something like that. His younger brother is a shot fighter and has been given every chance in the world by HBO and Showtime. They have basically held his hand and babied him. After being destroyed by Sanders, then beaten by Brewster he should have been fighting on ESPN. yet they babied him and after fighting a few tomatoes cans he was let right back into the limelight.
Vit Klitchko who is supposedly the heir to the throne cant even put asses in the seats or get over 200,000 pay per view buys. this is horrendous and unnacceptable for a heavyweight. Even ruiz in his horrible pay per views has gotten similiar pay per view numbers. WHy don't you all open your eyes?
to top that off Bozo-no-no and The devil are ok with me. they are fellow students of the game.
There are a few others out there who are cool too, like Rastasmoker who has varying opinions from me, however he never turns his opposing opinions into a personal attack on me, obviously he is also guided by logic as opposed to emotion like a woman. but you my friend have dragged me into this war unneccissarily.