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Floyd ranked #1 by BoxRec!
Boxrec ranks are controlled by a computer that does calculations through records, resume's and rankings. It's not credible.
Originally posted by Mucus View PostBoxrec ranks are controlled by a computer that does calculations through records, resume's and rankings. It's not credible.
Wladimir Klitschko could never be in the Ring top 10 p4p because he's white and not American, but BoxRec has him at #3. (HWs Rid**** Bowe and Lennox Lewis made The Ring top 10).
Originally posted by Tunney! View PostIn a way BoxRec is more credible, because there's no jingoism and racial bias involved.
Wladimir Klitschko could never be in the Ring top 10 p4p because he's white and not American, but BoxRec has him at #3. (HWs Rid**** Bowe and Lennox Lewis made The Ring top 10).