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Comments Thread For: Edwin Valero Arrested For Murder, Wife Found Dead

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    "Edwin Valero baj?a la recepción y confes?que la había asesinado, por lo que el personal del hotel llam?inmediatamente a la policía, que posteriormente confirm?el fallecimiento en la habitación", inform?el director general del CICPC. "Edwin Valero went down to reception and confessed he had killed, so the hotel staff immediately called police, who later confirmed the death in the room," the director general of the CICPC.

    confirmed.....he confessed


      what a piece of ****. he should of been in jail anyway


        erm, wow. Just wow


          wow----it goes to show you that it doesn't matter how good things are going in a person's life---they're still human and make decisions that affect the rest of their lives---if he is found guilty, he is done---but we should still pray for him either way----the human mind can be so cruel--it's unbelievable---so shocking---my condolences go out to the victim---may God bless her soul---24 years old....such a shame--she was so young--anytime a life is loss at the hands of murder--it brings a pain that stays with you for the rest of your life---my heart goes out to her family---such a terrible tragedy---


            I told you guys the abuse wouldn't stop, now look the guy went and killed her. **** Valero, let him burn in hell.


              I told you guys the abuse wouldn't stop, now look the guy went and killed her. fuck Valero, let him burn in hell.


                Jesus, Valero is ****ed up. He should get life imprisonment at the very least.


                  Hope if there is a justice, this could be done against this mother****a bastard, but i dobt it, he is protected by another blody murderer, the venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez...

                  Hope rest in peace poor sweet girl, she should have denounce this bastard on time... Now is too late...


                    Originally posted by bigtaco00 View Post
                    crazy news it sounded like he had been trying to take control of his demons and now he is suspected of murder? Waste of talent.
                    **** talent!!! He stole a young life!!!!


                      Mother****er !! **** this guy. I hope he rots in prison his whole life.

